Iridium Order

The Iridium Order is a sect of dwarven paladins dedicated to preserving memories of the past. Members of the order are highly respected throughout the Demarchy, with many viewing the order as an integral part of the dwarven practice of ancestral veneration. Headquartered in the Granite Repository, the Order has sent members across Khalon to collect information and relics from various time periods.


The Iridium Order is composed of two distinct branches, the curators and the seekers. Each works to fulfill the order's mission of preserving history. The curators are found throughout dwarven mountainhomes, maintaining libraries, copying written works, and providing religious services to the population of the Demarchy. The seekers on the other hand are focused on gathering knowledge. From exploring ancient ruins to interacting with foreign peoples, seekers can be found across Khalon, gathering books, scrolls, and knowledge to share with the order.   Within the Iridium Order, the most respected members make up the Committee of Steel, whose membership usually numbers in the high teens. At present, there are 17 members on the Committee. Like much of dwarven society, moving up in the Order requires members to pass various tests as part of the Arholiad. The Order is hierarchical, containing five major ranks (in ascending order of seniority: stone, copper, bronze, iron, steel). Each of these contains three degrees, going from third to first, with first being the highest in any given rank. For example, a Dwarf could be considered a Bronze Seeker, 2nd Degree. This individual would outrank a Bronze Seeker, 3rd Degree but be junior to an Iron Curator, 3rd Degree.
Religious, Holy Order
Controlled Territories
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