
Dwarves are one of the native races of Khalon who have been present on the continent since before recorded history. Stout and shorter than humans and elves, dwarves typically live in underground settlements in mountains and hills. Khalonian dwarves mostly live in the Tarum Mountains controlled by the Demarchy.

Basic Information


Dwarves are a short race, standing from 4'3"–4'9" on average. What dwarves lack in height they make up for in bulk; on average, they are about as heavy as humans. Dwarven males are a bit taller and heavier than their female counterparts. Like humans, dwarves have a wide variety of skin, eye, and hair colors. Hazel eyes are common throughout the race, with blue eyes more common among dwarves in the southern Tarum Mountains and brown or green eyes more common in the northern Tarum Mountains.   Male dwarves often grow thick facial hair, which is sometimes used to display social status. Unusually for humanoids, both sexes naturally grow ample facial hair, though the majority of female dwarves shave their beards off. This hair varies in color, ranging from darker hues to blond or red. Some dwarves take the care of facial hair to an extreme, carefully oiling and grooming it, with some adding perfume and ornamentations depending on current fashion trends.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves reach physical maturity somewhat later than humans. A dwarf is traditionally considered an adult once he or she reaches the age fifty. Dwarves age much like humans but over a longer period of time, remaining vigorous well past 150 years. A majority of dwarves live to see their bicentennial.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dwarvish is the primary language spoken by dwarves. Each of the major mountainhomes has its own dialect with slight differences in pronunciation. Tirish Myrians have a much more pronounced accent.


Dwarven society is among the oldest in Khalon. The earliest histories contained in the Granite Repository record events going back two millennia before the foundation of Morenthyr. In 1256 BE, the two largest dwarven settlements at the time, Holeruhm and Neltarum united, forming the Demarchy. In the next century, almost all of dwarvenkind would be united under the Demarchy's rule.
Scientific Name
Parva pumilis
150-230 years
Average Height
Average Weight
120-180 lb
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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