
The Demarchy is the political body which governs the dwarven cities spanning the Tarum Mountains in the northeast of Khalon. It is one of the oldest institutions on the continent, thought to have been founded centuries before the establishment of Morenthyr.  


Pre-Elven Era

Dwarven society is among the oldest in Khalon. The earliest histories contained in the Granite Repository record events going back two millennia before the foundation of Morenthyr. In 1256 BE, the two largest dwarven settlements at the time, Holeruhm and Neltarum united, forming the Demarchy. In the next century, almost all of dwarvenkind would be united under the Demarchy's rule.  

Elven Era

Early dwarven settlements that would form the Demarchy traded heavily with nearby humans. This continued until the Elven Conquest, when elves became the main trading partners of the Demarchy. Trade with Morenthyr began the dwarven golden age, with weapons, armor, and art being traded for elven furniture, cloth, and agricultural products. This allowed for the dwarven population to rapidly increase, with more mountains being excavated and colonized.  

Post-Elven Era

The Great Revolt heavily strained dwarven society as the newly founded human-led nations were slow to forgive the largest trading partner of the elves. Much of the weapons and armor used by the Thyrian army originated from dwarven forges.   Trade embargoes placed by Ilyria and Trelios greatly impacted the dwarven economy, with food shortages becoming widespread. Faced with growing discontent and economic collapse, the Demarchy offered to pay reparations to the human and gnome-led nations in exchange for normalizing relations and an end to the embargo. They were also forced to renounce their claim on Tirish Myr.

Demography and Population

The Demarchy consists of around 550,000 dwarves living in various mountains and hills across the Tarum Mountains in the north of Khalon. Most of the population are concentrated in ancient mountainhomes, with more intrepid dwarves going out and founding hillside settlements.

Trade & Transport

The dwarven diet consists heavily of grains and meats imported from Ilyria. Food production in dwarven settlements is limited, focused primarily on producing edible fungi. The Demarchy has attempted to increase local food production since the Great Revolt, with limited success.   Demarkers are well-known for producing beers and ales, which are exported across Khalon. Dwarven metalworking is renowned for being superior in quality, with dwarven-crafted weapons and armor fetching high prices.
Founding Date
1256 PE
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Demarker Florin
Major Exports
Ales, beer, armor, weapons
Major Imports
Grains, meat, vegetables
Legislative Body
Assembly of the Hills
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
The Demarchy in 1444.


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