Strecila the 'Spider'

Strecila is a powerful necromancer active within the Venatori. Surviving the Lysandrian purge of the School of Necromancy, she spent many years on the run. After settling in the sewers of Davenport, Strecila was recruited to the Venatori after rescuing an Tiefling fighting a demon near her home.  


Early Life


In Davenport, Strecila settled into an underground lair within the sewers of the city. Keeping to herself, she raised three undead to help her with household tasks and guard her base: Alfred, Edgar, and Harold. While in Davenport, Strecila collected works on necromancy while purchasing bodies from the morgue when possible to continue on her work. Necromancy had long been misunderstood, and Strecila did not want the knowledge to be lost completely upon her death.   In time, Strecila was discovered by the street children of the city. These children would come to her for shelter and healing when they needed it. Rumors of her spread throughout the city, and in time this mysterious mage in the sewers became known as the Spider. To make ends meet, the Spider worked as an information broker, trading information for gold among the city's elite. She would only interact through intermediaries, adding to her mystique.  

The Venatori

In 1437, Strecila stumbled upon a tiefling fighting a Vrock within the sewers of Davenport. While Edgar and Harold were able to dispatch the demon, the tiefling was badly injured. Upon his recovery, she learned of Shabol and the Venatori. Strecila was quick to join the fight, seeing the danger all of Khalon was in. Perhaps she could help rehabilitate the continent's view on necromancers.   In 1446, she began working with a newly formed Venatori cell who successfully disrupted Shabolite cultists within the city. First, they disrupted a scheme wherein the cult ran an orphange within Davenport, sacrificing children to summon demons to the Material Plane. This cell additionally saved the Lord-Mayor from being forcibly converted to the cult, leading to Strecila finally coming out of the sewers.   Since then, Strecila has become an accepted, although eccentric, member of high society within Davenport. Her prestige was further enhanced when an attack on the Lysandrian Cathedral in Weverton East was only thwarted when she raised the dead among the crypts to fight them off. While her somewhat open use of necromancy has troubled some, the Lord-Mayor has guaranteed her his protection within Davenport.
Year of Birth
1372 EE 83 Years old
Aligned Organization


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