
Davenport is a major city on the coast of the Anchorage. Located in Ilyria, it is the largest exporter of woolen products on the continent. The city is ruled by the Lord-Mayor, who is elected by representatives of the powerful guilds. Some of the most powerful guilds include the Drapers, Tailors, and Spinsters.  


Shabolite Infiltration

In 1446, Shabolite cultists in the city were uncovered by Venatori operatives. Led by a powerful guildsman, the cultists also controlled a local orphanage where sacrifices to Shabol took place. The Venatori were successful in eliminating the group from the city after convincing the Lord-Mayor of the true threat of the cult.  


Weverton East

Farthest from North Crest, the richest Davenporters live in Weverton East. Here, local merchants will do business with buyers from Morenthyr, Trelios, and beyond. The richest guildsmen also reside in Weverton East, with the most wealthy guilds having large guildhalls to host meetings and events.  

Weverton West

In Weverton West, beaten fleece is combed and then spun into yarn. This process is done using spinning wheels, manned by hundreds of spinsters in Davenport. The yarn is then weaved into cloth by local artisans in Weverton. Once the cloth is fulled in North Cress, it returns to Weverton to be dyed. Completed cloth is either used to make clothing or exported to visiting merchants.  

Nabec’s Bridge

This district is the home of the city’s administration. The Lord-Mayor and most city offices are located. Many of the city’s most powerful guilds have adjacent offices in the area to influence local government. The recently constructed Vergan Bisk Memorial Library is also located here.  


Livestock, especially sheep, are brought to Meatmire to be slaughtered. Here, the meat is processed and sold to the people of Davenport. Some meat is also salted and sold abroad. The bleating of the sheep continue day and night, making it an unsavory place to live.  


Located outside the northern walls of Davenport, Northgate is a small neighborhood mostly inhabited by servants and staff of the rich living in Weverton East. It has slowly been expanding in recent years due price increases within the walled portion of the city.  

Guelder Yards

The yards are a major shipping port where woolen cloth is exchanged for a variety of foreign goods. The docks are the most multicultural part of the city, with people from Khalon and beyond meeting there for trade and to do business. A variety of temples are set up in this district for visiting sailors to worship.  

North Cress

In North Cress, sorted fleece is cleaned and beaten. Large vats of urine are used to clean the wool, which removes grease and foreign particulates. After this cleansing, the wool is then rinsed and set out to dry. The drying wool is then beaten with sticks to remove any matted fibers. The finished product is then transported to Weverton West where cloth is made.   Once wool cloth is completed, it is again brought to North Cress where laborers again submerge it in urine. Once submerged in a barrel, a fuller will stomp on top of it to thicken the wool. This is followed again by a rinse upon which the cloth is returned to Weverton.   The smell of urine permeates North Cress, making it an undesirable location to live in. Dominated by the poor, it has higher crime rates than the walled portion of the city.  

South Cress

The process for making woolen cloth begins in South Cress. Every harvest, farmers will bring their fleece to South Cress to sell to local merchants. Farmers will travel either by wagon or sell their fleece to middlemen who then ferry it down the Bonia river to Davenport. In South Cress, laborers will sort through fleece, separating it based on coarseness. The sorted fleece is then brought to North Cress for cleaning.

Bonian Docks

The docks offer a spot for riverboats to offload their goods. Traveling from as far as Willowden, small-time merchants will buy fleece to transport south for a small profit. This dock allows for trade with the interior of Ilyria, making it a faster alternative than the roads crisscrossing Ilyria.  

Major Guilds

Drapers’ Guild (Worshipful Guild of Drapers and Haberdashers)

The most powerful guild in Davenport, the Drapers’ Guild is a collection of cloth merchants based primarily in Weverton East. The guild has become extremely wealthy due to foreign trade deals with Morenthyr, Trelios, and beyond. The guild maintains a large guild hall in Weverton and has sponsored the construction of churches, art, and public events throughout the city.  

Tailors’ Guild (Fraternity of Merchant Tailors)

A powerful guild in Davenport, the Tailors’ Guild consists of craftsmen who turn cloth into clothing. Their market is primarily Ilyrian, with trade flowing primarily via wagon train into neighboring cities. They maintain a guild hall in Weverton East and sponsor much in the city.

Dyers’ Guild (Brothers of the Dye)

While small in number, the Dyers are wealthy, importing a variety of dyes to color woolen cloth. The guild operates out of Weverton West. Its members play an outsized influence in government due to their wealth.  

Fullers’ Guild (Fellowship of the Mystery of Fullers)

Fullers spend most of their time trampling on wool suburged in urine. Their guild is based in Upper Cress, with a large guild hall that has modest furnishings. The Fullers’ Guild is not rich, but due to a large number of members, it maintains significant influence in Davenport.  

The Guild of Spinsters & Weavers (Brethren of the Art of Clothesmaking)

A wealthy guild in Davenport, the Guild of Spinsters & Weavers focused on turning cleaned wool into yarn and then into cloth. This guild is the second wealthiest of those in Davenport. Its goods are primarily sold to Drapers who then market the cloth for trade abroad. The guild has its guildhall in Weverton West, where many of its members live and work.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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