Humans are one of the most numerous races found across Khalon. A majority of their population is found in the central part of the continent.
Basic Information
Located here.
Civilization and Culture
Major Language Groups and Dialects
Prior to the Elven Conquest, humans spoke various dialects of Old Human. Following humanity's absorption into Morenthyr, Elvish displaced Old Human as their mother tongue. Old Human remained a dead language until after the Great Revolt, with some Gaulians now working to revive it in an effort to de-elvenize Gaul.
The legends of the Old Ones, the pre-conquest human religion, states humanity originated on Wiveria, a frigid continent to the north. Upon being defeated during the Everlasting War, surviving humans had abandon the continent.
Archaeological records show humans first arrived in Khalon in the 1800s PE. Landing near Treavley, humans slowly diffused southward.
After their arrival, humans primarily lived in small tribal groups as hunter-gatherers. Agriculture was slowly adopted through interactions with gnomes and halflings already residing in Khalon. By the 300s PE, early human settlements had coalesced into various fiefdoms across central Khalon.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens
Less than a century
Average Height
Average Weight
110‒270 lb