Swamps of Sangron

The Swamps of Sangron are located in a remote part of the Seven Hells. Filled with a variety of fiends, traversing the swamps is not for the faint-hearted.


Hot, humid, and filled with mosquitoes, the swamps have much in-common with the Muskraine Mire on Khalon. One defining difference is the prevalence of rotting corpses throughout the rivers and bogs. Many lost souls have been chained to rocks, being cast down into the depths. Occasionally, a chain fails, allowing the body to float to the river's surface. The bogs throughout the swamps emit a foul, sulfurous odor whose smell is nearly ubiquitous.   Between the Swamps of Sangron and the Fields of Carnage lies Bilche's Cauldron, a perpetually boiling lake.

Fauna & Flora

On first glance, much of the wildlife in the Swamps of Sangron share striking similarities with their counterparts in the material plane. However, upon closer examination, the twisting corruption of the Seven Hells can be seen. Insects are nearly omnipresent in the swamp, feeding on both the living and the dead.   The worm of Sangron slowly travels through Sangron, crawling     worm is a massive, 50 ft. long worm which moves throughout Minauros slowly trudging through the plane. The worm is covered in ivory scales which appear like bleached bones. The head of the monster appears to have been the skull of a titanic arch-devil. The worm moves slowly throughout the plane's bogs and swamps, though it avoids the cities and any small settlements. The worm instinctively seeks out mortals that are on the plane of Baator. Mortals who are greeted by the creature are faced with a choice. They can choose to fight the beast, though an patient observer would note that devils are all terrified of the creature. Those who choose not to fight can greet the creature which, if it senses the mortals, will open its maw and allow the mortal to voluntarily walk into its gizzard. Any mortal who survives the gizzard's acidic digestion process, will receive a boon from the Worm, improving one skill-set that the mortal has. The worm only grants its boon once per week.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Included Locations


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