Muskraine Mire

The Muskraine Mire is a large swamp located in southern Khalon. Tentatively controlled by Morenthyr, Thyrian control has slowly eroded in the region since the end of the Great Revolt. Rumors of hags operating in the mire are widespread, especially since the fall of Oslyon in the summer of 1434.


The swamps of the Muskraine mire are extensive, with many early elven expeditions becoming lost, never to be heard of again. The mire is filled with various slow-moving rivers, with stagnant bodies of water scattered throughout.

Fauna & Flora

Giant insects such as centipedes are common in the Muskraine Mire, with many laying in wait for hapless travelers. Mosquitos often cloud the sky, especially during the wet months. Various lichens, mosses, and molds are found throughout the mire, with semi-aquatic bushes and trees clogging any sort of solid ground. Common trees include cyprus and mango, which can be found along various marshes. Many trees appear dead for years before suddenly growing leaves once again.
Wetland / Swamp
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Included Locations
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