
Theynorans are the elven inhabitants of the Theynnoran Rainforest. Similar to Thyrians, Theynoran culture has not changed from its traditional elven roots.


Art & Architecture

Elven towns in Theynor traditionally blend in with the jungle. The Ordo Altum live in dwellings that stretch across the canopy of the jungle. Built around trees and connected with a series of bridges, the homes of the Ordo Altum are winding and large, with some having large outdoor patios for social gatherings. This contrasts with the Ordo Laurum, who spend most of their time on the forest floor. Those who live on the forest floor build homes underground, digging out small dwellings that are primarily used for sleep. Marked by stone doorways, these dwellings are often connected with tunnels to their neighbors. Central to a Theynoran city is a large temple complex which is elaborately decorated with gardens and plants.  


Elven agriculture is based around large orchards of fruit-bearing plants. These towering trees are then used to grow bromeliads on their trunks and branches, providing further food for the elves. Harvesting is done through the use of domesticated spider monkeys who weave through the trees picking ripe fruit. On the forest floor, flocks of tapir are raised to produce milk and yarn.
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species


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