
Tunstead is a medium-sized town in Ilyria. Located along the Anchorage, Tunstead is a regional trading hub, with goods being transported along the Via Victoris south. Tunstead also contains a port, shipping goods throughout Khalon.


The population of Tunstead is primarily human, with a small community of dwarves. Itinerant merchants of a various races can be found near the docks, loading and unloading goods for trade.


Tunstead is controlled by the Duke of Tunstead.

Industry & Trade

Tunstead is the northernmost Ilyrian settlement along the Anchorage. Close to the forests of the Sprick, timber and furs flow south from Tunstead. The lands around Tunstead are well-suited for grazing, with cattle and sheep being commonly farmed. Meat and wool are thus large exports from the town.   Tunstead maintains brisk trade with the Demarchy, being the centerpiece of human-dwarven trade. A contingent of dwarven merchants live in the town, with Ilyrian goods being exchanged for the metalwork and craftsmanship of the dwarves.


The Docks

The port district, known colloquially as the docks, services sailors and visiting merchants. Home to a variety of taverns, brothels, and gambling dens, prosperous individuals typically avoid the docks unless they have business there.  

Old Town

Old Town is inhabited by merchants, craftsmen, and other well-to-do Tunsteaders. In central part of the Old Town is Myriad Square, a gathering place for residents. A cathedral dedicated to Lysander borders the southern portion of this square.  


The first thing visitors notice upon entering the southern gate of Tunstead is the putrid stench of lime, bleach, and formaldehyde. Called Meatgate, various slaughterhouses operate here. Leatherworking is a major industry in Meatgate, with tanneries operating throughout the day to tan hides into leather.  

Oak Gate

Oak Gate is the newest district of Tunstead, being built in the last few decades following a large increase in the town's population. Most people who reside here are honest and hardworking Ilyrians. Many inns operate in Oak Gate, providing temporary housing to visiting merchants traveling along the Via Victoris.  


Situated outside the northern wall of the city, Ratgate is primarily inhabited by dwarves from the Demarchy. Some dwarves live here permanently, serving as envoys between dwarvenkind and Ilyria.  

Cormwell Keep

The administrative center of Tunstead, the Duke of Tunstead resides here.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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