
Defender of the Chained

Lysander is worshiped by many across Khalon for his instrumental role in ending Thyrian tyranny. Extremely charismatic, Lysander united various races together to lead the Great Revolt, ending Morenthyr's supremacy. He was deified following slaying Iorath, god of slavery, during the Battle of Thal'Narius.

Divine Domains

Healing, Justice, Knowledge


Festival of the Ascension, Lysmas

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

While records are unclear, it is believed that Lysander was born in modern-day Ilyria. He was born a slave, owned by Cirril Ancalan, a Triumvir of Morenthyr. He was educated as a scribe, giving him a good understanding of imperial history and allowing him to watch various orations and speeches given in the Conclave. Building relations under the guise of serving his master, Lysander wrote various seditious treatises that were spread in the late 1330s and 1340s.  

Great Revolt

Inspired by the writings of Lysander, human militias rose up across Morenthyr, beginning in the city of Allanar. Weakened from conflict with the orcs, the Elven Empire was not able to respond effectively. When slaves began to rebel, a contingent of educated humans, including Lysander, fled from Thal'Narius, heading north to become the backbone of the Great Revolt.   Under Lysander's guidance, Calydon was built from the ground up, a central city from which the rebellion was led. With the help of The Devoted, Lysander forged alliances with many other races, including the Cavalcade, the Ursine, and the Voros Kal.  


During the Battle of Thal'Narius in late 1352, The Devoted revealed that Iorath, god of slavery, was the true power in Morenthyr who was controlling Emperor Cirril Ancalan as a mere figurehead. During the climax of the battle, Iorath enveloped Lysander before being slain. Many Lysandrians believe Lysander ascended to godhood following killing Iorath.



Nemesis (Vital)

Towards Iorath



Nemesis (Vital)

Towards Lysander



Lysander maintains a deep hatred of Iorath for his support of slavery and sentient sacrifice.

Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Defender of the Chained
The Just God
1295 EE 1352 EE 57 years old


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