
Ilyria is a large kingdom situated in central Khalon. While the population is predominantly human, sizable minorities of orcs and gnomes exist. Born out of the Great Revolt, Ilyria has since emerged as a major trading power, being well-situated to take part in continental trade.  



Following the Elven Conquest, tens of thousands of elves migrated north, settling in what once were independent human kingdoms. Much of humanity became enslaved, working for their new elven overlords. This effect however was not uniform. North of the Pontery river, elves remained a small minority. Over time, freed humans were able to build up wealth and gain property. Though still considered lesser than their elven counterparts, this human elite became an important part of the Thyrian taxbase.  

Great Revolt

By the time of the Great Revolt, a small number of human families had built up large estates, second only to the ruling class of elves who lived as their neighbors. Joining with their still-enslaved human counterparts, they formed the backbone of the revolution in the north. Their considerable success in the first few months led to many slaves traveling north to relative safety. The revolution was soon led out of Calydon, a small fishing village along the Anchorage.   Following the revolt, these powerful families quickly acquired the land formerly claimed by elves, expanding their estates and consolidating their power. Many began to claim titles of ancient human kingdoms, styling themselves as dukes, counts, and kings. Tension began to build between these rising families, with skirmishes breaking out between perceived borders.  

Davenport Charter

Hoping to prevent a breakdown in the post-revolution peace, Zosimus, then the Lysandrian bishop of Lithal, organized a meeting of the various power players in central Khalon. Gathering in Davenport in 1360, the power brokers of central Khalon argued for ten months. The final product of the meeting was the Davenport Charter. The charter established the rights and responsibilities of the monarch, nobles, and subjects. Fearing hereditary monarchy, the charter also formed an electoral college consisting of some of the most powerful nobles of the new kingdom.   None of the most powerful nobles of the electoral college were able to convince their colleagues to vote for them. After much deadlock, a compromise candidate was chosen, Varan Dyecolt, Duke of Thorns.  

Shabolite Infiltration

In 1434, Shabol’s essence was released on the material plane. Possessing Lorcan, then the Duke of Colterstone, Shabol attacked Tirish Myr. The following Calamity resulted in tens of thousands of Tirish deaths. Shabol used the victory at Tirish Myr to propel Lorcan to the throne, who ascended in 1435.   During his reign, the Cult of Shabol grew massively, with many of his underlings converting to increase their power and prestige. With the Calydonian court filled with Shabolite sycophants, Ilyria was poorly managed, with its lands west of the Tarum Mountains drifting away from the kingdom.   When Shabol was killed by the Venatori in 1445, Lorcan collapsed into a pile of skin and bones. The Lord-Mayor of Davenport, who had spent the last year organizing opposition to the Shabolite Cultists in Calydon, immediately seized Calydon. Working with the Count of Radowfals, Remaining Shabolite cultists in the city were crushed without mercy. In the aftermath, Prelate Agatha was forcibly retired with many questioning how a cult operated in Calydon without her knowledge.

Ilyrian Divorce

With the Shabolite conspiracy exposed, the Duchies of Swordsbreak and Thorpes declared independence. This was not challenged, with the remaining Ilyrian nobles deadlocked with the succession. With two electors gone, the throne has remained vacant for a decade.

Demography and Population

Ilyria is a diverse nation in central Khalon⁣. A majority of the population is human, with significant Voros Kal⁣ orc and gnome populations. Many other races also coexist in Ilyria, especially in the capital, Calydon⁣.   The population is concentrated east of the Tarum Mountains along the coast of the Anchorage. Smaller settlements can be found in the foothills of the mountains and on the western plains. The Duchy of Thorpes⁣, a semi-autonomous settlement of gnomes lies along the Tralin River in the north.


The Ilyrian military is largely decentralized, with various nobles and settlements maintaining their own forces. During times of conflict, nobles and large settlements are required to send a portion of their levies to serve in the monarch's armies.


The worship of Lysander⁣ is widespread among the humans and orcs residing in Ilyria. The Lysandrian Church⁣'s influence is strongest in Ilyria, with the Arch-Cleric residing in Calydon⁣. Any sizable settlement has a Lysandrian cleric assigned to it. In the Duchy of Thorpes⁣, some gnomes continue to follow the traditional gnomish religion. Other minority groups within Ilyria are able to worship freely, although attempts at conversion are common.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Ilyrian Livre
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Ilyria in 1444.


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