Twilight Hand

The Twilight Hand are a shadowy organization that claims allegiance to the Lysandrian Church. Founded in the aftermath of the Great Revolt, it was first led by Wilm the Unseen. The Twilight Hand is dedicated to protecting the Church from outside threats. Most Lysandrians do not know of its existence.  
The sun is a powerful force. But even its bright light must set. The Hand stands as a bulwark against the darkness, ensuring the sun will rise once again.
— Wilm the Unseen


The Twilight Hand mostly operate at the edges of Lysandrian influence. Operatives are thought to be present in Elterian Trelios and Morenthyr. Members of the Twilight Hand are thought to have influenced the course of both Hadricht’s Crusade as well as the end of the Holy Orcish Invasion.   The Twilight Hand is diametrically opposed to the Societas Recursum, an elven society dedicated to resurrecting Iorath and returning him to power. In 1363, Soecietas members deposited Iorath’s remains on the bottom of the Anchorage in an attempt to revive him. Discovered by agents of the Hand, Wilm led an intervention in the Azure Isles, ensuring the remains of Iorath were chained to the ocean floor.
Founding Date
Secret, Religious sect
Parent Organization


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