Sunforged Order

The Sunforged Order is a religious order of Paladins dedicated to spreading the light of Lysander throughout Khalon.


The Sunforged Order is a highly respected and influential organization within the Lysandrian Church. Its members are chosen for their unwavering devotion to Lysander and their commitment to upholding the values of the church.   As paladins, the members of the Sunforged Order are trained in both the martial and the divine arts. They are skilled fighters, able to hold their own against even the most formidable foes. But they are also devout believers, filled with the holy power of Lysander and able to channel it into powerful spells and abilities.   The main goal of the Sunforged Order is to spread the message of Lysander and protect his followers. They travel throughout Khalon, performing acts of charity and healing, and defending the weak and vulnerable from those who would do them harm. They are also responsible for upholding the laws and teachings of the Lysandrian Church, and they often work closely with the local clergy to ensure that the faith is properly upheld.   The Knight-Captain is the leader of the Sunforged Order, responsible for directing the actions of its members and ensuring that they are working towards the greater good. They report directly to the Prelate, the leader of the Lysandrian Church, and have a great deal of influence within the organization.
Founding Date
Training Level
Veterancy Level
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