Lysandrian Church

The Lysandrian Church is an organization dedicated to the worship of Lysander and the Devoted. Formed after the Great Revolt, it is one of the most influential institutions on the continent, with believers found in almost every major settlement outside of the Demarchy.

Divine Origins

At the climax of the Great Revolt, the Battle of Thal'Narius raged. Cirril Ancalan and Iorath were defeated by Lysander and his followers. Following Iorath's defeat, Lysander was seen glowing radiantly with light and ascending to the heavens. His followers who witnessed this became the first Lysandrians, worshiping him and asking for his protection.

Tenets of Faith

Faithful Lysandrians are deeply devoted to justice and freedom. Born out of the Great Revolt, Lysandrians are opposed to slavery and oppression. While the Lysandrian Church emphasizes peaceful coexistence, followers of the Church do not hesitate to fight against those they consider unjust. The Sunforged Order and the Twilight Hand are two militaristic groups which employed to protect the faithful.   Charity is another important tenet to Lysandrians. The Lysandrian Church runs orphanages, hospitals, and half-way houses for the unfortunate across lands where they have sway. Lysandrian clerics often are found among the sick, healing and providing religious services to those in need.


The Church is led by the Archcleric, based in Calydon. Khalon is divided into dioceses, each administered by a prelate. Aspiring clerics must study at a seminary for a period of five to six years before being officially anointed. These seminaries are located across Khalon, with major locations including Calydon, Dietenburg, and Thal'Narius, the sole seminary in Morenthyr. After schooling, clerics can elect to be assigned to a diocese, join the Sunforged Order, or travel to spread Lysander’s teaching.   Lysandrian clerics are split between the more senior, supervisory prelates and the more junior clerics. Prelates are typically referred to as Father/Mother while clerics are called Brother/Sister. Members of the clergy typically wear white robes and a stole with a sun emblazoned on both of its ends.

Political Influence & Intrigue

With followers spread across Khalon, the Lysandrian Church is a powerful institution. Clerics in Ilyria and Gaul wield significant authority. The Archcleric's approval is needed for Monarchs before they ascend to the throne in Ilyria. Lysandrian clerics are even present in Morenthyr, primarily in cities with significant non-elven populations. The Sunforged Order and the Twilight Hand are both essential to the Church's worldly power, protecting its followers and spreading its influence.
Founding Date
Religious, Bishopric
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