
Goddess of Bounty & Growth (a.k.a. The Great Eru)

Yavan was once the greatest Eru to have lived, with the most lush, beautiful, and bountiful gardens. Her skill and ethic were noticed by Taure, with whom she developed a close spiritual bond through many years of daily seed rituals. Upon her deathbed, Taure appeared to her as a jaguar and gave her the vine of the soul. Upon eating the vine, she earned her godhead and became the Great Eru and Goddess of Bounty & Growth.   Yavan was especially known for her ability to cultivate miruv (similar to cacao), a delicacy known for its heart-opening effects. Many temple gardens host monthly miruv ceremonies on the day of the full moon (said to be the day where the veil between deity and non-deity thins).   Yavan is a particularly important goddess for Eru, who see her as their garden mentor and often spend time in meditation attempting to communicate with her. The best way to communicate with Yavan is to partake in a full moon miruv ceremony. Many elves want to participate in these ceremonies, but they are exclusive, as the Eru want to protect the power of Yavan for the bounty and growth of their gardens and community crop. As such, miruv is considered a delicacy and only Eru are granted the knowledge of how to grow it effectively.   Eru who are granted Yavan’s favor grow the best miruv and are considered leaders and mentors to younger, newer initiates.


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