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Kingdom of Hala

Hala, which means FeatherFall


The Provence of Numidia is a mostly a rocky, desert climate with sparse woods and trees, accopanied by vast fields. Numida is a crop Provence, but is also known for their precious stones and rich gold areas that have been mined for centuries. Numidia is one of the eldest provences in Kherett. The century old legend of the very goddess Sahari falling onto Numidia, which means feather fall, to represent the feathers that Numidias wings shed upon the land, granting it wealth and power as she fell. There are several small salt water lakes that feed into the Hari ocean. There are other large rivers that are around the provence and are very benificial to the people for both fishing and as a water source. Numidia is located in the East, where the sun shines brightest, and Sahari worship is focussed more strongly here, she is seen as their primary benefactor to their success and age old provence. Saharis tears were drunk by the first kind Grath, and since then he had secured the royal line for all of his children, for the crown will not accept any other ruler who blood does not posses the magic of Saharis tears.


Blazing hot sun, and cool nights have created many creatures who have acclimated to such a harsh environment. Numidia has a couple larger animals, but there are much more smaller rodents and reptiles than larger creatures because of the heat.

Ecosystem Cycles

Numidia provence has a pretty stable season, it usually stays the same, there is a very short rainy season, which is called Tear Year, despite it only being two months, people savor it enough to last a year. its usually a little bit cloudy, not enough to really do anything about the sun or heat, but they are a sight to see. Huge, white, and fluffy. Collosal clouds. Rumour has it that Numidia is called the City of the Pheonix they are the most beutiful sunsets youll ever see. Theres usuall a pretty swift howling wind that gets quite strong, speak your blessings to Lause that it doesnt have her brothers bite.
Alternative Name(s)
The Provence of Vanity / City of Fallen Angels / Feather Fall
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