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Matthias (Mat-ias)

Tiren kousten, which means “blazing comet” in Selken Matthias Harken (his fathers name) Trekken (a.k.a. comet, tiren, star,)

Matthias is the lead character of the story, who had awoken in the Kingdom of Numidia with no memory of his indentiy or his past--something that some people would do anything to help him remember, and the kingdom that would do anything to hide.

Divine Domains

Maximal survival. He can make magic make things work out in his favor in order for his survival. If he’s on a mission, he can activate his power for things to work in his favor to maximize his survival in a certain situation. He is far sighted, but his magic doesn’t apply in that way, bc its not really risking his risk of survival in a way. When he killed Ardan, his magic deemed that the best way to maximize his survival was to shapeshifter his body to look like Ardans. its something that can be activated, but it doesnt always work the way he wants it to. He can usually predict how its going to react, after years of using it, but sometimes its a suprise. Hes pretty good with evading his enemeis with his elusive power, because it is so strange and sporatic.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Matthias has the crest of Ortheope, the goddess of the moon, where his power originates from.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

he is in good physical condition. Lean muscle and low fat percentage. hes nimble and limber, and somewhat more flexible than you would think. He has knee pain but he doesnt rlly do anything about that lmao

Identifying Characteristics

emerald green eyes mole under right eye full lips

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Matthias began his life in Selkeren, born on the more poorer parts of the already cramped city called the Outskirts. His mother, Mirren, was already a frail woman, so the surpise pregnancy was too much for her, and soon died after her birth. Matthias was raised by his father, who was a coal miner and usually left mattias to his own devices and alot of neglet. Matthias began his career as a petty thief when he turned six in order to get fed a bit more from his forgetful father. Matthias did not go to school, and instead spent his time scurrying around the scramped and busy streets stealing food and spare cash. Mattias was eight when he decided to run away with his brother Shen, to the Iris, the inner city center of Selkerens, vast city, joinging the gang Midnight Hand After discovering his affinity to magic he escaped with his younger brother Shen, and attempted to run away to Gram, the next city over before getting caught by the gang and having Matthias' power manifest suddenly, resulting in the death of several Midnights and his brother. Heartborken, Matthias soon made it to Gram, where he spent several years honing his magic before returning back to Selkeren and forming his own gang, the Twilights, which soon became a guild and ammassed a large amount of power before dealing with government level power for his knack of gathering members who were gifted. Matthias soon met Ardan on a short mission and had a brief fight which sparked mutual respect and curiosity on both sides, their ideas were so different, yet their goals were so similar. (ardan made alot more "we are so alike" comments that Matthias liked They began a secret relationship before matthias was forced to betray him and set fire to Numidia, the capital of Kher, Ardans home, or allegiance. They began a great battle before they decided peace, but alas someone had other plans and matthias was forced to kill Ardan in a cruel twist of fate

Gender Identity

Matthias identifies as male, but he does display some feminine traits, moslty due to the fact that ortheope had chosen him as a receipient of her Gift! Her way of granting gifts is very different to her sister sahari, who had just given it all in one go, and it now something that can be passed down. Ortheope hand picks her reciepients and is very picky, which is why moon gifts are rare, she tends to grant young men and women who are strong of character and have an attractive face. Ortheope embeus a piece of herself and her magic into her chosen recipients, which will naturally have a bit of her personality and character into them.


Matthias is asexual, which means he doesnt really wanna get down and dirty with anyone, but that doesnt mean hes not open to relationships,,,hes just not as open as most. There are other things he cares more about than a partner. Stricly undefined, but he would probably be bi.


Matthias never had a formal education, he didnt go to school He was learning to basics of reading and writing with Ardan and a couple of his other "friends" He taught his younger brother how to read a little bit.


Matthias began his career as a thief for a local gang in his home city, as well as identifying any signs of any gifted patrons at the casino he worked at with the Midnight Hands. He had a special knack for math and a close attention to detail, which made his good at spotting any peculiarities concealed gifted customers used to cheat on the game floor.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ran away with his brother Shen from his father in the Ouskirts and into the open arms of the Midnight Hands gang.



SO (Important)

Towards Ardan




SO (Important)

Towards Matthias




They were enemies at first, since Ardan is captian of the very Palace that Matthias has sought to destroy. It began with a small fight which ended in fascination and intrigue on both sides, which ended up with Ardan disobeying rules (for the first time ever) to try to find him Ardan spent alot of time trying to convince Fereth that his search for Matthias and the Twilight guild have been fruitless, even though they are a direct threat to the kingdom Matthias and Ardan spend more time with each other, both trying to keep their affections a secret from their organizations Matthiases focus to bring down the kingdom and his love for Ardan leave him stuck between to vital choices. Revenge or love. He chooses revenge.

Divine Classification
Current Status
Recovering his memory
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
June 30th
Circumstances of Birth
Surprise birth, mother soon fell ill and died several years later
Circumstances of Death
Burned alive
Selkerek, the Outskirts
Current Residence
The kingdom of Numidia
Masculine, somewhat feminine
Emerald, medium, droopy, half lidded with long bottom lashes
Deep purpley black, to shoulders, mullet ish, silky, thin brows
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin, mole under left eye
Ortheope, god of moon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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