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Clovity is an ancient religion with three major gods and countless minor gods. Their main teachings revolve around collective responsibility and community, and these teachings are often passed on through daily readings of their holy scriptures and community newsletters. Clovity's teachings come from edicts told to have been given by the first demi-god who came down to Earth as a blessing. Many of their religious symbols are represented in the form of holy rings, buildings containing altars, and candles. Being an ancient religion, Clovity has fractured into different variations, but some are merely short-term groups out for personal gain. Clovity is usually met with either indifference or respect from those outside of this religion.   It is known by Greenskins and Dwarves and Elves as a relatively new religion, as are the realms of humanity, and is generally regarded as the 'religion of the pinkskins/humans.'   Clovus, Ingomer, & Magnatrude have watched over the cold world for countless millenia. They are a family of divines, Clovus the father who birthed both Ingomer and Magnatrude after ascending the tallest ice pinnacle in Khasur by them bursting from his left and right legs at the summit, permanently crippling him. He reigns, with only his booming voice as thunder, his breath the wind, and wherever he casts his gaze under his judgement, bending fate itself. His emblems include storm clouds, lightning bolts, fists, and thrones.   Ingomer emerged first and is the god of haste, conflict, pride and strength. His great hammer is the one and only symbol associated with his essence. He appears muscled and gleaming, with a great metal belt, hides draped across his form. Arrogant due to his emergent primacy, Ingomer chided his sister Magnatrude for taking her time, laughing at his own ill conceived jokes. The goddess of the hearth, the fire, the mines below our feet, the made world of mortals is held safe in the arms of the stoneskinned, fire eyed, ocean-blue haired deity. She payed no mind to her brother's jests and jibes, but instead challenged him to a race around the world, and promptly bested him, though it was close.   Clovus' spouse, the moon goddess Isa, silently watches and speaks through her numerous children, though some mortals worship her over all others. She brought forth the myriad demigods that have walked the physical world over the millenia, long after the last sightings of Ingomer and Magnatrude. Now, the days of gods and godlings are behind us, but their legacy is carved into the earth and blows in the winds across the seas, and in the memories of holy people and historians.
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations


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