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Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk


Creeree Quirruawk, also known as 'Hawk', is an 11 year old Aaracokra. He has a lightbrown feather pattern, and wears a long cloak. His belt is adorned with several glittery stones and metal gears.   Hawk has an obsession with fate, and how fate determines all paths. Through his studies, he has gained minimal control over the flow of time and fate. While he does not like standing in the spotlight, if the need arises, he is actually quite capable in talking with others. Hawk can be quite impulsive, but his heart is telling him to be less chaotic. He tries to balance this well, and knows that being impulsive in the wrong situation is not the right thing to do... most of the time.   He prays to Leveona, the Goddess of Wind, for being the wind in his wings, guiding him ever towards the next step of his journey, no matter how weird it might be!  

Start of the story

Very eager to leave his nest, Hawk went flying as soon as he could, and he flew as far as he could. In all his excitement of all the new things he was seeing, he did not spot a giant shadow coming in from above. Before he knew it, the creature attacked and left Hawk falling down to earth unconcious. When Hawk woke up, he was miracuously unharmed, except for one thing... a giant hole in his chest and a mechanical heart where his original heart was supposed to be!   Hawk now roams the world, following wherever the winds of fate guide him. He seeks to find the origins of his mystical mechanical heart, and how he got it in the first place. The heart does give him magical powers, so he wants to find out all the effects the heart has on him, and to what extent his powers go.  


Hawk adventured with Opalescence, being constantly amazed at how fate guided them. While infiltrating the Orc city of Shaz'Gul, a member of Opalescence killed Ozar Icehowl, the leader of the Demon Yeti clan; this promptly caused Hamma, the wife of the leader of Shaz'Gul, to teleport in, and cast Power Word: Kill on all party members, Killing all party members except Icie. She buried Hawk in a forest a couple of hours south of the city.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown feathers


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