BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapter 31: Outlandish claims

Sisyphus, as you are walking through Glace-scape Province you feel something is wrong. You feel like you have gotten weaker. You fall on your knees as you see the obsidian rings shift away from your arms. All of your other magical belongings are stripped from you. In the end, you blink away from Glace-scape Province towards Ysala in the Arcola Coast.

Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk, you hear a *click*, as you open your eyes. You seem to be buried beneath earth, and as you dig your way up you find yourself eventually in a green pine tree forest. As you slap the earth off of your clothes, you start to remember something. You remember dying by the hand of the Orc sorceress Hammah. Unsure of how you came back to life, and at this location, you however feel like new as if someone pressed a reset button.
You take stock of your inventory, but feel none of your magic items present. Even your pocket watch seems gone. Still a bit woozy from just resurrecting, you take your first hour of being alive again very slow. You discover it is best to reach Korthia's largest city, as you think finding your friends there will be the highest. You begin your journey back to Ysala.
On your way back over the waters of the Arcola Coast, you see many Fey like twisting trees on small patches of water. They seem unnatural in terms of placement, and you are unsure of what to make of them for the moment. You also come across one patch of land without a tree. Instead you see some shrubs on the small patch of green grass above the water surface.

Livi, as you approach the Ysalan West-docks on the Elven ship that brought you here, you see the largest city in Korthia. You see hundreds of people walking the docks. In the far end of your vision, you see the high grey city walls of Ysala. As you approach the city, you walk past the small village of Bravewood. A place where after the Explosion, you helped people by giving them medical assistance. You see Bravewood no longer serving as first aid post, but rather as the woodworking village it originally was.
Ysala has changed since the last time you were here. It seems the city has gotten more crowded, and more people roam the streets. You see a lot of new buildings and shops. You notice twice the amount of guards on the street as before.
You see someone walking towards the Arcane tower in the Knowledge District. A person you recognize as the Lord of the Silver Hills: Urdrasin Starspeaker. He enters the Guild House under heavy supervision of his own security, ten heavily armored Elven warriors.

Dante Lucero, you stand on a hill ridge overlooking Ysala. You are aware of what happened to you as you know you have just been resurrected. You find yourself among some other adventurers, who explain to you that they are the Drengr Hunters, and that they've unknowingly brought you back. As you walk towards the big city, you find all of your magic items, including the Flaming Key, to be no longer in your possession.
  Opalescence met up again after getting killed by Hammah. They came together on the Four Steps. Although Dante Lucero, and Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk immediately recognized each other, Sisyphus, now inhibiting the body of JJET, first had to find a way to prove it was really him. Unlike before, he now didn't have the ability to show his bracers, which made it a lot harder to prove his identity. However, after some time he was able to convince his party members that he really was the one and only Sisyphus.
While talking to each other about what happened to them and what might have happened to Bridie ‘Icie’ Calinda, a small Goblin came running towards them with a message. It read:

"Hero's of Opalescence,

You are expected to be present at the Council's hearing. Korthia's best and bravest are gathered to deal with the Elemental threat. But while they will tackle the problem itself, the council has deemed your expertise needed elsewhere. Lord Urdrasin Starspeaker will explain the matter further to you. He expects you tonight, at City Hall.

Tsar Greatflame, Faction leader of Knowledge"

After Opalescence agreed to meet Lord Starspeaker later that day, the Goblin walked away. They decided to spend their day shopping for the materials they had lost, and immediately hand in the quests they had fulfilled, and sell some herbs Dante Lucero had found in the Hollow Tree.
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