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Chapter 32: Winds of change

When it was finally time to meet the Lord, they made their way over to City Hall. When they entered, they were not only faced with Lord Urdrasin, but also with a slender green-haired female. She was introduced to them as Lieutenant Livi Vala. Miss Vala would, if they accepted, accompany them on their quest to the Silver Hills. Lord Urdrasin needed them to investigate some internal problems in the Silver Hills, as it seemed that Lady Akira chose to neglect her work as leader of the Armies of the Silver Hills. She seemed to have set her sights beyond Irhaldir, and to be focussed on Jaharman Isle. Now Lord Starspeaker needed them to investigate the matter.
Dante Lucero was clearly hesitant at first, as this mission for a unknown Lord reminded her of the Convergence of the Elements. But after some questioning, she started to warm up to the idea of helping him. The group decides to think about it first, before agreeing. After that, the Lord leads them out, but not without telling the Lieutenant to go with them to get aquainted.

Together with Miss Vala, the group made their way towards Wildstar Tavern. With a drink in hand, they got to know the Lieutenant. She told them about how she's a healer, who's worked in the army for a long time. Sisyphus was immediately interested in sparring with her, to see how well she functions in battle, but she told him they'd do that at another time. After talking for a few minutes, they asked her for some privacy.
In private they discussed the mission Lord Urdrasin had asked them for. Sisyphus was aware of the social norms of the elves, and knew they would have a hard time with them. He would only agree to the mission of Dante Lucero would agree to let Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk do the talking, as he was the only one who would come close to being charismatic enough for this mission. In the end, they agreed.

At the end of the night, the group decided to split. As Dante Lucero and Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk did some more shopping, and Livi and Sisyphus had a friendly battle on top of the Tavern. Though Sisyphus was a worthy opponent, Livi was able to defeat him. When he dropped to the ground, she did something no one had been able to do before: she healed him.
Not long after the fight had ended, Dante Lucero and Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk arrived back at the tavern. "Can you help me get him down?" they heard someone asking. Looking up, they saw Livi holding the motionless body of Sisyphus. Dante Lucero's eyes went wide as she screamed: "You killed him?! Lucky for you he always comes back, but this is not okay!" Livi quickly explained how he was not dead, just unconscious, and how she had healed it before. When Dante Lucero said that healing Sisyphus was not possible, Livi shrugged that Dante Lucero may just not be a good healer. As Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk helped to calm down his friend, they started making a plan on how to get Sisyphus down from the roof. Luckily, Dante Lucero was able to Wildshape into a Giant Dragonfly and carry Sisyphus down.
Next up they needed to find a place to sleep. When Livi asked the group where Sisyphus normally slept, Dante Lucero, still hurt by Livi's earlier comment, snarkily remarked that he mostly slept in trees or on the roof. Livi looked at her with a tired look on her face, not wanting to carry the metal body again. In the end, they decided it would be best if Sisyphus would sleep with them in the tavern.

The group entered the Wildstar Tavern once again, this time with Dante Lucero in Horse-form, pulling the metal body of Sisyphus. As Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk quickly got the room keys, they headed up to the rooms.
There, in one of their rooms, Dante Lucero reverted back to her normal form. As Livi and Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk pushed Sisyphus to the side, Dante Lucero stared out the window. There, she saw something she didn't expect. Liana, the smaller moon, had turned red. Her bright red light shining over all of Korthia. But there was more. Ekyril had gotten four red spots, almost like he had been infected. As her party members came to the window to see what she was looking at, she looked closer at Ekyril. In the middle of the spots, she saw something bright red. But what would it be? The group took a few minutes to discuss the spots, before they went to their separate rooms. Just when they laid down, a loud bang could be heard. Though some of them looked for the origin of the noise, they quickly decided this to be pointless, and went to sleep.

The next morning they prepared themselves for their trip. Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk decided to borrow some books from the Library to research the moons. While he was doing that, Dante Lucero stopped by the sleepy spinner to talk to them about possible team outfits. When they were all done, they headed towards the docks.
Walking around the docks, the airship couldn't be missed. The Dawn Fire was one of the biggest ships they'd ever seen. While the rest of his party was looking in awe at the ship, Sisyphus took up his role as Captain and started walking onto the ship. That's when he felt the invisible barrier, but it didn't hold him back for long. Swiftly he placed his echo onto the ship, and switched places. Immediately he heard a high pitched alarm, and guards came running at him. "Halt!" they said sternly while pointing their weapons at him. Minutes later a well dressed High Elf came his way. "I request you not to teleport while you're aboard my ship" Captain Alaris Windrunner said as he stood before him.
After the stand down with the guards, Captain Windrunner gave them a tour of the ship. During the entire tour two armed guards followed Sisyphus' every step. When they arrived at their rooms, they saw a rough looking Elven gunner standing guard. This Elf, Taladrin Firesong, looked at them with disdain. Unlucky for him, Dante Lucero saw this as an opportunity to have a friendly conversation. Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk didn't think this was the smartest idea, and broke up the conversation after a short couple of minutes.

The group spend the next few days doing their own thing. Sisyphus had decided that he would catch a Sky Whale. To achieve his goal he decided to spend the entire time on the bow of the ship with his harpoon at the ready. While he stood there, the two guards of the first day kept their eyes on him.
Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk used this time to read the books he had borrowed. That's how he learned about Ruidus, the name given to the red form Liana got every 1273 years. During his studies however, he couldn't find anything on Ekyril turning red.
Dante Lucero decided she wanted to become closer with the crew. She started off with a big round of tapas, giving everybody a taste of her cooking. Lucky for her, there was at least one person that shared her enthusiasm: Aranis Swiftbreeze. Aranis, the scout, was just as talkative as Dante Lucero. Together they decided they'd organize a game night on the ship. When she wanted to give Taladrin a treat, it went a little different. She had learned that someone had looked through her stuff, and quickly found out it was him. When she gave him a treat, she saw the fear in his eyes that he had been caught. But when she stayed friendly, he calmed down.
Livi didn't have big plans for her time on the ship. But something caught her eye. On the first night she heard the squealing of a pig. Not aware of any animals, she asked the crew about it. Weirdly enough, they told her that there weren't any animals on board. On the latter knights she didn't hear the pig again.

On the fourth day, Opalescence was notified about a red storm. When they went outside to take a look at it, they saw how red lightning struck the barrier. Although it was strong, it slowly began to crack. Then, it shattered.
That's when Air and Water Elementals started dropping from the sky onto the deck. They began attacking everybody on board. The Water Elementals absorbed people, drowning them in their bodies. The Air Elementals tried to blow people off of the ship. Our heroes fought as hard as they could, using everything they had on their enemies. But then, two Air Elementals started fusing together, creating an Archon. This monster was stronger than the ones they had fought before. But lucky for them, Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk had a plan. While the rest of the party fought off the Elementals, Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk banished the Archon back to Keturah. Because of him, they won.
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