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"While they are not complete savages, they are a grim reminder that there lies a beast within us all." - Lady Akira
  Golmar is an Orc fortress in The Frostfire Fields. The city is built around the black-stone fortress called "The Wolf's Den". Surrounded by frost-tipped mountains on all sides but their North-East flank, Golmar is especially hard to approach on land. Trapped in an eternal winter, the Frostwolves of Golmar have adapted to this cold climate by wearing thick wolf hides. One might find themselves welcome here, but only if they have proven to be an improvement to the clan.   Due to the unhospitable terrain, the Frostwolves have taken to the seas. Their naval capabilities are close to that of Dagger, as they possess a mighty fleet of Longships. Their flagship is called "The Alpha Wolf" and is at any given time accompanied by "Pack members". However, there is no one to challenge Golmars fleet and not enough villages nearby to frequently raid. This is the reason why The Frostwolves are considered "peaceful" by Orc standards. But make no mistake, like a wolf driven into a corner, these Orcs will lash out when threatened.  


This Settlement is solely Orc populated. Though some might find mercenaries from all origins wandering the city, the people that actually live in Golmar are Orc.


The city is governed by The Frostwolves. Their chieftain decides the direction of the people.


The city was founded and initially constructed by Woglug Goretusk. This brave Chieftain of the first Frostwolves clan braved the furthest North from out all the other clans and made his abode on top of a jagged rock sticking out and pointing North-East. As the generations passed and the mantle of chieftain was handed down, so did Golmar grow. At the wedding of Chieftain Borug Onehand, a large black stone fortress was constructed as a wedding gift as well as a statue of the importance of the Frostwolves. The clan is now led by a young Chieftain named Ozar Icehowl. A ambitious Orc who seeks to quarrel with other clans. He instead focusses on repurposing of Golmar's fleet.
Founding Date
12 AC
Location under
Chieftain of the Frostwolves, Ozar Icehowl  
Frostwolves Emblem


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