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Karl Strasvögel

Good day, traveler. Can I interest you in some of my oils? Extracted from the finest snakes of the Khala Jari Desert. Who Karl Strasvögel is? Ugh, okay, sit down. Few believe the story of Karl Strasvögel. Whether they just don't think it's true or they just don't want it to be true.
  Karl grew up on an ostrich farm. Ostrich? It's supposed to be some type of fast walking bird thing? Very agressive I've heard. I've never seen one either, but apparently Karl and his parent had an ostrich farm. Not here in Aurleen. Somewhere across the ocean? Anyway... Karl grew up with ostriches and he loved 'em like nothing else. But he also loved exploring. So when his parents let him, he went off exploring and making a couple of bucks here and there.
  After a few years, the ostrich business started booming and his parents became the richests folk of the region. Karl came back to his parents asking for gold to buy a ship as he was tired of the land. His parents got him a ship and sent him off with a couple of ostriches (150 to be exact). Any explorer would tell you that it's insane to take that many ostriches or any animal with you on a ship. And you would be totally correct, but Karl was probably the most insane explorer around!

After only three weeks, he found land! He landed near what we now know as Torda. Torda didn't exist back then (yeah, Karl really did exist that long ago). He took his 150 ostriches and tracked across the land. He was not a great tracker and neither were his ostriches. He moved north through what we now know as The Barren Peninsula and went to Grizzly Hills. He head back south through the Blight Forest and crossed the Khala Jari Desert. He took a brief trip through Picta and finally headed through Redmond Province and came to Struts Basin. None of these regions had the name they have now and the inhabitants weren't nearly as evolved as Karl was.
  In his travels he came across a new found love! Guess what it was? ...? No idea? More ostriches! It's said that in total he had about 600 ostriches when he came to Struts Basin. Everywhere he went and found ostriches, he took 'em with him. Little did he know that he found all ostriches in Aurleen! He explored almost everywhere in Aurleen, except for past Rugged Ridge. So he took his 600 ostriches and tracked acrossed the west side ofRugged Ridge. It took him some time, but he succeeded! Now he just had to get back to his ship, which is easier said than done when leading 600 ostriches (apparently).
  The weather had became harsh all of a sudden. His journey across Rugged Ridge took now thrice as long as it did the first time. Some of the ostriches stopped walking. Karl heard some squacking...? I honestly don't know what sounds ostriches are supposed to make, so let's keep it at squacking. Karl heard some squacking. An ostrich had fallen. It died. The journey became too much. Not long after another one fell. And another one. And every few minutes another ostrich died.
  Karl had reached the end of the mountain pass, but at what cost? All ostriches were dead except for one. His most loved one: Bertha. He lived a life at the foot of Rugged Ridge, the place where Strutholm now stands. Together with the local wild folk, he founded Strutholm in honour of his journey and the ostriches that died along that path.
  Hahahahahahaha, bunch of nonsense, isn't it? People say that Karl Strasvögel is the reason we don't have ostriches here in Aurleen anymore. Meh, whatever. Now are you gonna buy some brews or are you just wasting my time?   - Snake oil salesman from Strutholm
  Artist's rendition of Karl Strasvögel and Bertha:


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