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Kurbag Darksoul

(a.k.a. Baggy)

"I'm actualy more of an introvert" - Kurbag
As a adolecent orc, Kurbag left the Dust Hand clan because of his magical capabilities and the fact that he was fel-touched born. He could no longer bear the shame he brought upon his family by not fitting into the clan standards and left to roam the lands of Korthia. Wandering the wilds for years, he avoided cities and civilisation. During his travel he made coin preforming magic shows with magical fireworks and tricks. Eventually, his travels led him to the town of Shill. Here he met Angus McGannis as a little boy. Kurbag, after his long travels, decided to make his home in this town. The McGannis family welcomed him like their own and together they lived peacefully until the Peryton attack.   Not much is known about Kurbag's time in the Red Hills, as he does not like to talk about it. Angus is the person he trusts most and knows the most about Kurbag. Being a Sorcerer, one may guess that at least one of his parents had possessed magical abilities to some extent.   One night, while traveling through the Bellowing Wilds together with Angus, Kurbag experienced a dream. Someone spoke to him and promised him magical prowess beyond comprehension, and he accepted. Not fully understanding his new abilities, Kurbag is in search of who spoke to him.  

One year later...

Kurbag has seen much change. Rebuilding Shill, making new friends, seeing Angus become Primarch, slaying the Peryton

Physical Description

Special abilities

Shadow Magic

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics


Monster Hunter

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Fought off six Owlbears and a Beholder Zombie on his way to Ysala
  • Successfully defended the Scurvy Whale from unknown threats
  • Traversed the Bellowing Wilds
  • Defeated a Oblex and Death Moss in a single day
  • Excavated the Velridian Laboratory
  • Failures & Embarrassments

    Defeated and captured by Kobolds.

    Mental Trauma

    Saw Shill in ruins.

    Personality Characteristics


    In search of the Peryton. Wants to find out who spoke to him in his dreams.


    Contacts & Relations

    The Undying Duo Maria Stormforge in Bolbae.

    Family Ties

    The McGannis Family

    Wealth & Financial state

    Counts on Angus to manage the party funds.
    Kurbag Darksoul
    Current Status
    Hunting the Peryton
    Current Location
    The Red Pillars
    Crimson Red
    Dark grey dreadlocks
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Orcish Green
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Did I hit it?" - Kurbag
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    Common Orcish
    POV: You're the Innkeeper


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