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Angus McGannis


"That's a good name!" - Angus
"Oh, you wanna know about me? Well let me tell ya me story! We the McGannis's come from Shill , where I as a wee lad used to cause quite a ruckus in me days. Then me pa would come in and teach me a good lesson in manners. Oh don't get me wrong, he was a great man! Quillon McGannis may his name never be spoken in vain. He was an honest man ready to help whoever was in need. I still remember the words he said to me as clear as a mountain river. "Angus me lad, always be kind and greet a man with a firm handshake!". He made a livin' by hunting monsters in all shapes and sizes, after all he married me ma HAHAHA! Our house was decorated with all kinds of trophies from his hunts. One year before the Peryton attacked Shill he went huntin' for the beast, but unfortunately he never returned from his hunt. Nobody knows what happened to them. Now that me pa was gone Magnus took up the role of Primarch in the family and takin' up the lessons we've learned from our pa, we went out huntin' monsters ourselves. That's how I've lost me eye, but that's a story for another time!   ...   And this is Kurbag Darksoul , Baggy for short. He doesn't talk much but that's why he has me! Me and him, we go back a long time. He came to Shill before I was born. We became great friends and the ruckus I caused was doubled by the two of us! One day, during the Great Feast an annual festival in Shill, Baggy and me were chosen of all people to man the Monster Horn. This horn is blown when Shill is under attack by monsters. Baggy and I would miss the festival because of it, so we took some scrap cloth to disguise ourselves and snuck into the festival. That night of all nights, the Peryton decided to attack. As if the beast knew nobody was watchin'. After the attack, the beast vanished as if it were never there. With the image of Shill in ruins, we tracked the Peryton to Ysala. And that's how we ended up here! Quite an establishment you've got here, what was the name again? Wildstar tavern! That's a good name!  
"Wide stance Baggy, wide stance!" - Angus

Physical Description

Facial Features

Blind in his left eye

Identifying Characteristics

Azure colored tattoos

Special abilities

  • Barbarian Rage
  • Apparel & Accessories

  • A Brown & Blue Kilt
  • A Bear skin cloak
  • A Velvet Red Bagpipe
  • Specialized Equipment

  • a Claymore he got from his father
  • Mental characteristics


    Monster Hunter.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Fought off six Owlbears and a Beholder Zombie on his way to Ysala
  • Successfully defended the Scurvy Whale from unknown threats
  • Traversed the Bellowing Wilds
  • Rode a motherfuckin' T-Rex
  • Defeated a Oblex and Death Moss in a single day
  • Excavated the Velridian Laboratory

  • Escaped Urzan’Dalur and the clutches of the redwater pirates

  • Helped The Seagull reclaim the Leviathan horn
  • Rescued Wakefield from the Fire Giant Osmogad
  • Killed the Peryton that destroyed Shill
  • Battled an Ancient White Dragon and lived
  • Failures & Embarrassments

    Was defeated and captured by Kobolds

    Mental Trauma

    Saw Shill in ruins

    Morality & Philosophy

    "A strong man stand up for himself, a stronger man stand up for others!" - Quillon McGannis

    Personality Characteristics


    Haunted by his past, he is in search of the monster that destroyed his home


    Contacts & Relations

    Maria Stormforge in Bolbae

    Family Ties

    The McGannis Family
      Kurbag Darksoul


    Straight forward.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Playing the bagpipes and drinking ale


    Angus McGannis

    Younger Brother

    Towards Magnus McGannis


    Magnus McGannis

    Older Brother

    Towards Angus McGannis


    Angus McGannis

    Younger Brother

    Towards Hilda McGannis


    Hilda McGannis

    Older Sister

    Towards Angus McGannis


    Angus McGannis

    Older Brother

    Towards Fergus McGannis


    Fergus McGannis

    Younger Brother

    Towards Angus McGannis


    Quillon McGannis


    Towards Angus McGannis


    Angus McGannis


    Towards Quillon McGannis


    Lawful Neutral
    Current Status
    Ruling Shill
    Current Location
    Magnus McGannis (Older Brother)
    Hilda McGannis (Older Sister)
    Fergus McGannis (Younger Brother)
    One bright blue eye and one blind white eye
    Orange mohawk and beard
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale White
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "That's a good name!" "Wide stance Baggy!" "Angus McGannis, nice to meet ya!"
    Chrysilaris or The Wild Mother
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
  • Common
  • Giant
  • Basic Ewok
  • POV: you're the troll  
    The McGannis Family crest
    Quillon McGannis
    Angus McGannis


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