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"Mind if I step inside for a moment?" - Nethrazim Paletouch
This town rarely sees sunlight as a dark incantation has been cast upon Marndred. Creatures that naturally dwell in darkness live here such Drow, Duergar, Svirfneblin and Myconid. Marndred is a town of peace for these races as they have left the Underdark and settled in Korthia. While unwelcome to outsiders, these people have respect for each other and try to survive together. All manner of dark spellcasters and ritualists can be found in this town. If you find yourself lost in this town, don't turn your back towards the shadows!   Marndred has a lord, Nethrazim Paletouch. This Vampire from another dimension has had the rule over Marndred days after the evil archmage destroyed life on Korthia. For years, Lord Nethrazim slumbered in the remains of this once human village. As darkness began to creep towards the city so did the vile creatures that had awoken when the Wildplague arose. These minions build lord Nethrazim his mansion and constructed the rest of what is now known as Marndred. Its reputation has succeeded the material plane and is whispered in the Underdark.


Drow, Duergar, Svirfneblin and Myconid live peacefully among each other in this small town.


Lord Nethrazim Paletouch has had the rule over Marndred as long as anyone can remember.


Some inhabitants have set up shop or provide other services. All buildings are constructed of dark brown wood.

Guilds and Factions

Some Drow have come together and set up a guild. They call themselves the League of Blood and take up murder contracts and other dirty coin.

Points of interest

Lord Nethrazim's mansion is built upon the highest rock in Marndred. It has a vantage point on the rest of the town.   Rats & Ghouls is Madam Rizzle's pet shop. All kind of weird creatures and monsters can be found in this shop.   The Grotto is Marndred's General Store. Palist sells wands and staves.
Founding Date
21 AC
Alternative Name(s)
The dark town
Location under
Included Locations


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