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Shireen "The Unruly" Redkin

Shireen Redkin

5 young boys and a girl are running through the streets of Redmond wielding wooden swords.
“Hurry up, Shireen!” the tallest boy yells, “we have to save the princess from the dragon!”.

We spent our days chasing invisible monsters, being valiant heroes until bedtime, starting new quests in the morning. People smiled wholesomely when the redheaded children of House Redkin were battling the world’s biggest evil in the streets of Redmond. However, it wasn’t long before I couldn’t keep up with my brothers anymore. One by one they traded their wooden swords for steel swords and became soldiers in the royal army, as our house has always done.

Few haven’t heard of House Redkin before. My father is the great Balor Redkin, or should I say was? He was a commander in the Redmond army until he lost his arm in battle. Ever since he has served as a military advisor to king Graham and tried to prepare his sons to take his place as best as he could. I stayed behind with my mother Mira who owns a shop in the city center. As I was bored without my fellow adventurers I started making up my own stories. My mom listened to all of my stories and we laughed, but she often had to shake me awake and remind me of my household duties as I was drifting off to my own fantasy world again.

One day a stranger came into the store to sell some goods. I noticed he was carrying an instrument and I asked him what it was. He explained to me it was a lute and he was a bard, travelling around the world collecting and telling stories about heroes. “My brothers and I were heroes too!” I blurted out. He laughed and “begged” me to share my stories with him, which I obviously did. In the end he was quiet, he eventually took his lute and handed it to me. “Here,” he said, “it obviously has a promising future in your hands”. Not a day has gone by since then that I haven’t played that lute. I have even gotten pretty good at it, I must say.

When my brothers came back from their training or missions they loved to hear me play and we reminisced about our great adventures back in the day. They didn’t really talk about their adventures in the field though, they waved my questions away and scoffed that they were boring, but as much as I didn’t want it, I did see a change in their eyes, as if they were trying to hide something from their younger sister…

Anyway, life was great. My brothers and I loved each other and I was proud of the heroes they were becoming, until one day tragedy hit us. My favourite brother Ronan died in battle. I couldn’t believe it, up until then I hadn’t even heard of the word tragedy and how could he have died? He was just alive a few days ago. He came to visit between missions, he even brought me this rapier as a gift. Adventures were supposed to have a happy ending, but now Ronan is gone. And if that wasn’t enough our oldest brother Bellum disappeared during a scouting mission in the North.

It was then that I decided to pack my bags. I was done sitting idly at home. My parents tried to stop me, but no one was going to keep me from my own adventures anymore. My father was livid, screaming something about me being naïve. My mother cried and said I was not prepared for the dangers that lurked in this world. I pulled the door close behind me and was engulfed by the cool nightly breeze. Whatever those dangers were, I’m sure the stories prepared me well enough.

-chapter from "Diary of a Redkin" by Shireen Redkin

Physical Description

Facial Features

A red haired freckled girl

Identifying Characteristics

A typical red haired Redkin

Apparel & Accessories

Shireen wears a colourful bard attire, a neat doublet with elegant decoration and top-notch finishing, high quality breeches and boots made from sturdy leather, obviously made to survive long journeys. It is clear she is a bard from the renowned academy in Redmond and not some string strumming vagabond. She has a rapier she will never part with, named after her brother Ronan who fell in battle


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shireen was born into the wealthy House Redkin, a prominent family from Redmond loyal to King Graham. In her childhood she happily tagged along with her five brothers, but when the time came for the Redkin boys to start their training in the Redmond army, Shireen was expected to start turning into a real lady. After much protest that got no answer she obliged, but made sure to make her discontent very clear. She would flunk all behavioural classes and didn't excel at household chores at all, nonetheless, the reputation of House Redkin would warrant a steady stream of suitors at their doorstep. However, Shireen would have none of it, chasing the many suitors away whatever way she could. This eventually got her the nickname "The Unruly" between the prominent Redmond Houses. Luckily she had loving parents and though they were hesitant and getting a little desperate they allowed Shireen to pursue her dreams. She enrolled in the Redmond College for Bards & Other Arts and is totally ready for her own adventure now.  
One son fighting in the West
One disappeared of the earth
Another wears the cavalry crest
One returned to the dirt   A father in the King’s hall
Oh, and one guards the castle gate
But most tragic of all
A daughter no one wants to date
Mock poem about House Redkin


Enrolled in the Redmond College for Bards & Other Arts

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Slayed a dragon or twenty
  • Saved countless princesses
  • Saved Redmond from death and destruction again and again and again...
  • Held the helm of The Grand Jewel for at least 5 minutes

Failures & Embarrassments

Couldn't prevent the death of her friend Yalvarn Brightsmile

Intellectual Characteristics

Collected works

Personality Characteristics



Vices & Personality flaws

Some say Shireen is too naive and has no idea what she will be facing in the real world


Contacts & Relations

The family is a valuable asset to King Graham. However, they are not related despite all having red hair

Family Ties

Daughter of Mira and Balor Redkin
Sister of Jaimie, castle guard
Sister of Cain, Redmond cavalry
Sister of David, Redmond infantry
Sister of Ronan, fallen in battle
Sister of Bellum, missing
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Of House Redkin
Year of Birth
377 -125 Years old
Bright green
Red, shoulder length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages


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