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"Welcome to the city of inginuity! Please enjoy your stay and mind the alarm-o-bots!" - Izzy Boltfletcher
Stratos is the most technologically advanced city in Korthia, only accessible with an airship. Fueled by Stratyte, a green crystal that holds some Wildplague magic, this city emanates a green glow. Stratos is the only city to have survived the calamity due to its powerful defenders. Since, the city has made excellent use of the magic that was left behind to boost even more gadgets, weapons and even its defences. Stratos thrums with ideas and ingenuity as many things are created within this city. All manner of professors, tinkerers and craftsmen have set up shop to work out their creations. Stratos is regulated by The Prime Council, consisting of the few living members who defended Stratos during the calamity.


People from all over Korthia are welcome.


The Prime Council has had the rule since the calamity. After the destruction, the city collectively voted for a council that would oversee peace in and around the city.


Nobody (yet) has the capability to assault Stratos due to its altitude.


Due to its altitude, almost everything in Stratos is built of iron. Stratyte powers the city, most electrical machines emanate a green glow.


Stratos was build long before the calamity. The floating rocks on which Stratos is built is called Brumestone. These flying rocks are in stasis by primordial magic. The Defenders of Stratos bravely fought back the calamity and ensured Stratos's survival.

Natural Resources

Stratos houses the only known Brumestone reservoir. This material is also used as fuel for airships.
Founding Date
478 BC
Location under
Characters in Location


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