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As the tradition states a warrior of the Sárkány Aiga clan is allowed to challenge the ruling Mal'toa. When a Mal'toa is challenged a fight doesn't immediately ensue as according to the rules the Mata'afa must be present to supervise the duel.

There are some restriction for when a ruling Mal'toa can be challenged:
  • A Mal'toa can never be challenged two days in a row
  • A new Mal'toa will be granted a "basari", a resting period after a victory, lasting until the next full moon, except when the next full moon is less than 7 days away. In that case the period lasts until the second full moon.
  • Under no circumstances shall a Mal'toa be challenged in the Hibernation during Aes and High Cold
It isn't explicitly known whether an outsider has the right to fight the Mal'toa for the title. Either it has never happened before or no outsider has ever won. In any case would it be most unwise to immediately challenge the greatest warrior of the clan.

Ultimately the Mata'afa verbally confirms and initiates the new Mal'toa, the only exception being foul play. A dragonborn can never become Mal'toa if they fought dirty, even more so, they will be banished from the clan due to disrespecting their superiors.

In the end a ritual is held where the fallen warrior, be it the Mal'toa or the challenger, is buried by the Mata'afa, the victor and family.


The tradition supposedly started because they wanted only the strongest warriors as leaders. In the beginning the Mal'toa was frequently tested, but they were unsure what to do when he was defeated, as this meant he was no longer the greatest warrior of the clan. So it came to be that the Mata'afa would hold a more permanent position as a clan leader, due to knowledge and wisdom being associated with age, whereas muscle and willpower are a more personal aspect.
It is said that the tradition comes forth from the primordial instinct of dragons to constantly compare their powers


A member of the clan challenges the Mal'toa. The Mata'afa is called and a duel is decided. As it is possible the Mal'toa or the Mata'afa is in the middle of something the fight does not take place immediately, but must be planned before the second dawn from then. Whoever stands victorious becomes or remains the Mal'toa.

Cover image: by Goldennanuk


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