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Sárkány Aiga

" Toa... malo e tau "

(Warrior... thank you for the fight)

Warriors of the mountain

Sárkány Aiga is the name of a clan of dragonborn living on Mount Sárkán, the highest peak of the Grizzly Hills. No one knows when exactly the dragonborn settled on the mountain, but it is said they have been there for hundreds of years.

The peak of Mount Sárkán is protected by an unknown source, creating a safe and warmer environment for the cold-blooded dragonborn. This is presumed to be the reason the Sárkány Aiga worship nature. Still, in the coldest months the cold will seep through the barrier, and the dragonborn go in hibernation lasting through the Month of Aes and The Month of High Cold, accepting that nature too deserves a rest. Nature and her "barrier" are beloved subjects of the Sárkány Aiga prose.

Although there is sufficient literacy among the dragonborn, a primordial force courses through their veins. Becoming the greatest warrior is the ultimate goal of most clan members, so they will often challenge each other to a fight to climb up the ranks of the clan. The most notable fight being the Tautoga'a. Even the druids are able to deal some significant physical damage.

Survival of the fittest

The Sárkány Aiga have great respect for individuals more powerful than them, even when this is not meant literally. They don't believe in kings, commanders or other useless titles, nevertheless will they accept the rule of King Graham, for the sheer quantity of soldiers in his armies and ships in his fleet make him the most powerful man in Aurleen. But woe to the weaklings that are deemed unworthy, the dragonborn will take what they want.

The Sárkány Aiga love a challenge though. When they noticed more people continually tried to reach the top of the mountain they purposely let their defenses down and allowed the explorers to discover their clan and settlement. Allthough these explorers were but scared small humans and would be no match for these warriors, the dragonborn thought of something else. Surely there would be more of those humans where they came from and surely they came in different sizes too. With that in mind the Sárkány Aiga tricked the explorers into believing they would let them go if they would warn everyone to leave their clan alone. As foreseen this prompted a stream of adventurers and warriors to try and find this fearless dragonborn clan the bards were singing the most fantastic songs about.

Taming the dragon

However, in the year 387 tragedy struck the Sárkány Aiga. During their hibernation a well-organized group of dragon hunters was able to reach the peak and cross the barrier. The hibernating dragonborn were too weak to defend themselves and were slaughtered in cold blood. The hunters were long gone before the other clan members could wake up and fight back. 20% of the Sárkány Aiga lost their lives.


The clan is led by the eldest druid, the Mata'afa, but in real life the strongest warrior, the Mal'toa, will usually serve as the head of the clan. Nevertheless will the eldest druid always be respected and listened to.


Warriors of Sárkány Aiga often leave the clan looking for adventure. That is why you often see strong dragonborn as a part of militia. Some others will offer their services as monster hunters or sellswords. The Sárkany Aiga are always eager to show their strength and bravery.

Demography and Population

The population consists solely of dragonborn


The dragonborn have been living on Mount Sárkán for as long as humans know. Nobody has tried to take that land from them.


Both male and female dragonborn posses the predisposition of a large and muscular body, making them able to become great warriors. When under attack the clan fights as one, druids and warriors alike.


The clan has a strong connection to nature


Most of the Sárkány Aiga train to become either warriors or druids, but in this clan there's only a thin line between the two


The infrastructure is plain and simple. Several stone buildings are scattered among the mountain top, built by the druids moving rocks and earth

Divine Origins

It is unclear where the origin of their nature worship comes from, but it is possible the unknown source that created a safe and livable environment for them is the reason for this as they are protected from the climate that would otherwise kill them

Toa, malo e tau

Geopolitical, Clan
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Major Exports
Strong and brave dragonborn are highly wanted among militias or can be hired to hunt monsters that plague settlements in the Grizzly Hills
Legislative Body
"Mata'afa", the eldest druid
"Mal'toa", the strongest warrior
Related Ranks & Titles

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