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The Planetarium

The Legend of The Planetarium and the Patrons

by Salienne Estherad  


  Note to the reader: This article is a summary of the research, with the same name (The Legend of The Planetarium and The Patrons) and author (Salienne Estherad) earlier released this year (395), made for Sky's Watch Mages Monthly. Throughout this summary we will refer to the full research at some points in order to keep this summary short and concise.    


  Throughout the ages there have been reports of individuals claiming to being "transported" to, what these individuals describe as, the domain of Nailuj Raalestehcs, allegedly named by Nailuj Raalestehcs as the Planetarium. Nailuj Raalestehcs being an all mighty god, responsible for the creation of Aurleen, if not the entire observable space. In this paper we seek to explain this phenomena. In Section 1, we will go into the background of the chosen individuals and we will try to develop a strategy to maximize the probability of being chosen by Nailuj Raalestehcs. In Section 2, we will go into the logistics of the transportation and the domain of Nailuj Raalestehcs and seek spells in order to recreate this Planetarium. We will conclude with a short section about further research and open up for discussion.    


  In this section we will look into the background of the various individuals who have claimed to be chosen and look for a trend in these backgrounds in order to develop a technique to maximize the probability of being chosen by Nailuj Raalestehcs.  
Students attending the college in Sky's Watch were given an assignment: a name and location. They were to head to this location and find the person carrying the given name. Once found they were supposed to get information regarding that person's background, occupation and skills (social, combat, survival, scholarly). At the end of the full research paper one can find a list of references of the research done by students in combination with the name of the subject. One student (Elise Rainbark) introduced the term "Planetarium Patrons" or "Patrons" for short, to refer to these individuals. We shall use this term for these individuals from now on. Summary note: the backgrounds can be found in the full research.  
From the studies conducted by the students one thing is clear: every Patron is someway an excellent combatant. May it be through mastery of magics (see Rowena and Treehugger), pure strength (see "THE EXPLOSION"), expertise in the art of war (see Hitscan and Wesley Gibson), through sheer speed (see Runn and Gottag) or a combination of those (see Cillit and Cpl. Casey Jones). It is most notable that most of these have not contributed to any large events or heroic quests. Not even all of them are so-called "good guys". For example, Gottag Ofast was sentenced to a life in prison for murdering his entire class while he was still a small dwarf. This is our first point in the strategy to maximizing the probability of becoming a Patron: one must be an excellent combatant. Another interesting case is the one of Runn: while her skills are not exceptional compared to others in the list, she tells an interesting story. She is strongly involved with a group called "The Freedom Fighters" , however, she is no official member. Runn told us that the rest of The Freedom Fighters are Patrons. For those who don't know: the Freedom Fighters are a group of "heroes" recruited by  King Graham. Adrian contributes to this by telling us that another group (also recruited by King Graham) named "The Obsidian" are also Patrons. This introduces a theory: combatants recruited in forms of a pary by King Graham have a higher probability of being a Patron himself.   From this we can conclude that the following method is the method to maximize the probability of becoming a Patron:
  • be an excellent combatant (this can be through the art of war, magic, strength, agility, etc.)
  • be involved with an adventuring party in the name of King Graham


  In this section we shall seek spells that are able to recreate the Planetarium as a mortal. Note that the mortal limitations of spells (such as concentration, body strain and materials) will be ignored, as Nailuj Raalestehcs is to be believed powerful enough to ignore these constraints. We shall also not go into the specific workings of each spell as these are considered common knowledge.  
Multiple Patrons have stated that they experienced dying in the Planetarium and afterwards taking form of what can only be described as a servitor or observer, despite being still alive in Aurleen. While Nailuj Raalestehcs works in mysterious ways, here are several suggestions for spells (or a combination thereof) to recreate this:
  • Polymorph (+ Revivify)
Right before a Patron dies, Nailuj Raalestehcs casts a powerful form of Polymorph on the Patrons in order to transform them into a bodyless and/or invisible spectre. An alternative is that the target is revived using a form of Revivify right after they die.  
  • Astral Projection + Teleport
Instead of actually transporting the Patrons, Nailuj Raalestehcs creates an Astral Projection of the Patrons such that their body is not harmed and teleports their projection to his domain. Since Astral Projections made by mortals are fairly weak (if a projection dies, the user is returned to their body), Nailuj Raalestehcs would have to have cast a stronger version which does not have this effect.  
For recreating the Planetarium itself, there are a plethora of spells that can be used:
  • Dream
Using Dream, Nailuj Raalestehcs would not need to use either of the spells previously mentioned to transport the Patrons. It also allows Nailuj Raalestehcs to create an environment to what he sees fit. Elves have been reported to have also been Patrons. Since these cannot be affected by Dream, one must assume that Nailuj Raalestehcs uses a stronger version.  
  • (Demi)plane + Shape Earth / Creation / Wish / (Mass/True) Polymorph
Nailuj Raalestehcs is strong enough for him to create his own plane, but as a mortal we would have to resort to creating a Demiplane. While this spell does not allow the owner to massively transform the interior of the plane, there are other spells that are able to do this in a minor way: Shape Earth if sand/dirt is available, Creation if other materials are available, Wish if the user really wants to change the interior or a mighty fusion of Mass and True Polymorph in order to change objects in to other objects and summon creatures all at once.   From these spells, a combination of Astral Projection, Teleport and (Demi)plane seems to be the most viable option for recreating the Planetarium "experience". In order to suddenly change the environment and summon creatures, a fusion of Mass and True Polymorph is reckonned to be the most logical.    


  To conclude in order to maximize the probability of becoming Patron one must excel in at least one form of combat and must be involved with one of King Graham's adventuring parties. In order to recreate the Planetarium a mortal is recommended to use the spells Astral Projection, Teleport, Demiplane and Mass/True Polymorph.   A point of discussion is the accuracy of the stories told by the Patrons and the reports made by the students. While we do not doubt the reporting skills of our students, we do doubt the testimonials made by some of the Patrons (Wesley Gibson and Gottag Ofast to name a few). In order to more accurately research their stories, it would be great if a number of them wanted to be observed for several days, weeks or months (how long necessary). All of the interviewed Patrons either declined or weren't allowed (in the case of Gottag). For further research it would be interesting to look into the case of King Graham, who might be Patrons himself or at least has a strong correlation to the Patrons (as implied in Section 1).    
List of interviewed Patrons
First name / Nickname Full name Current / Last known residence Profession
Adrian Merkward Thief
Cillit Cillit Bang Torda
Casey Cpl Casey Jones Heaven's Keep Corporal
Gottag Gottag Ofast Steelholm Prisoner
Helios Helios Phoibos
THE EXPLOSION Carlos Ramírez Juan-Pablo Domingo Ricardo de la Kelna Kelna Wrestler / Entertainer
Uthal Traveler (unwilling)
Wesley Wesley Gibson Vigilante


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