BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Nailuj Raalestehcs

The Dungeon Master

"Do you have your character sheet, D20's and a big smile on your face? Then lets begin!" - Nailuj
  It all started when the DM for the group of friends I played in wanted to play a session instead of hosting one, as he had nearly done one excellent year of being a DM. He guided me through creating my first session in which he also played. Thus, Aurleen was born! The concept came of a book I read as a child; The Rangers Apprentice. When I finished the first book I was introduced to the world of fantasy.
The first session was a success! Afterwards, we had more sessions for over more than two years. The first group known as "The Boys" became legendary in Aurleen. They nearly fought every villain and saved every princess. When the time came my friends started moving we had to halt the current campaign and only played spontaneously. I wanted more consistency and experience, so I started searching Reddit for groups that needed a DM. The response from my first reply came rather quickly and before I knew it I was in a Discord call with these people I had never met before in my life playing session 0. We clicked immediately and so began the adventures of Team Treebark! The group was such a success I wanted to share the world of Aurleen with other people, so I came by two more groups on Reddit; The Freedom Fighters and The Obsidian.   Aurleen has now three active groups running around, solving quests, defeating evil and making new friends. I have seen my players grow with their characters and really learning the core of D&D. All the players had different player experience and level joining the campaign and have now full control over their characters. It has been such a blast to get to know you all and I really hope we get to play lots more games!
Let me run my adventuring parties down for you!
Team Treebark   From complete strangers in Treebark Inn, wanting to go to Sunfare Festival to proud owners of Arbor Keep and Heroes of the Realm. What a journey it has been from your first encounter with Alexander "Xander" Wilkinson to the rescue of Kethra. I have shared so many laughs with you and you never fail to put even the DM in a tight spot. (Like the time John asked Captain Trisfall to marry him). your commitment to Aurleen is greatly appreciated!   The Freedom Fighters   'Still remembered the first time I walked in for the first session. We were all so hyped that instead of character creations and session 0 we jumped straight into playing D&D. The buildup to your first fight with Gerry and Terry was set that session and I still remember the determination next session to take them down. You have done so much for Aurleen and inspired many great stories. You have overall made me a better DM with having a great understanding of the game and have thought me how to create more challenging encounters. Though you bicker much and don't always seem eye to eye, The Freedom Fighters are a family (which they have proven at the events of "The two Decks"), and family never gives up on each other.   The Obsidian   The last group to join are the Obsidian. This interesting group has yet to stamp its mark on the history of Aurleen. They are the champions of Camp Fosfor and wear the Mark of the Lion with pride. They have gained the trust and favour of King Graham who sees them as people he can rely on. This group has creative characters and I am very much looking forward to uncovering their backstory to the fullest. They were the first in a series of events that will concern the whole of Aurleen, nearly dying in the second session! I find it really fun to play with you and I am certain your expertise in the game will guide you through 'till the end! You deserve it.      
Thank you for your effort and investment in our games and Aurleen, I could not have done it without you.

Two years later...

Korthia. A fresh new world to explore in Campaign 2! All three main adventuring groups have moved over from Aurleen as heroes, to Korthia as level one adventurers. As they washed upon the shores of Lone-man Isle with nothing but clothes on their backs, they bravely made their way off the forsaken isle and journey by various means to Ysala. Here they made their first stamp on their Korthian legacy. They have since seen much of the world and have made friends as well as enemies. We have seen veteran members leave and new ones join. As we close the distance towards double digits in character levels, I can already say this campaign will be legendary.
All groups combined in one event, Convergence of the Elements. This legendary event, hosted by Nethrazim Paletouch, lord of Marndred, had all groups shuffled as three new groups formed to explore the festival terrain. However, after linking back up to the original adventuring groups once more, Lord Nethrazim betrayed everyone and took their hard-earned Elemental Crystals to unleash the four slumbering Elemental Titans, deep beneath Korthia's plates. This issue will likely force our three adventuring groups to combine forces once more.
"I would like to once again, introduce my adventuring parties to you!"
Former Team Treebark
The name came quite naturally. After surviving not one but two ship crashes, this group of strangers ought themselves cursed and crowned themselves The Fellowshipwreckers. Now, this adventuring party has multiple friends in high places, the Wizzleracket-Gemsong Cartel behind them and their ship, The Unwreckable, upgraded to a sailing base. They are renowned as Korthia's heroes and behave as such.
Former Obsidian
Colonize, dominate, and export is Opalescence's motto. They are true adventurers by heart and want to excavate as many ruins and dungeons as possible. They have set up a rather profitable business with lumberjacks they have hired and ships they have constructed. They have set up a base adjacent to the Drunn River and are currently looking to expand their just acquired small keep into a grander village called "Opalshire". They have the experience, assets, and will to be on top!
Great Fortune
Former Freedom Fighters
Though this group has been recently reformed, they regard each other as family. These three adventurers have, by magical means, acquired an airship as of late and use this type of transport to quickly cover large distances. As they are currently excavating the lost Khadkarian Empire, they are also looking for funds to fuel their airship "The Great fortune". They have vastly different backgrounds but are invested in helping each other uncover their true potential.
Honorable mention:
As the three main adventuring parties run through the world, Nailuj has taken up three more side campaigns in which he acts as a player in two. All current campaigns are played in Korthia.   The Shillian Highlands, Project Fissure (Player)   The Wandering Isles, Project Legacy (Player)  
The Whispering Frontier, Project Mercenary (Dungeon Master)
"As we almost reach a combined ten-year game time, I would like to thank you for your commitment, dedication and hard work in Khralia!"

About Nailuj

Divine Domains



Though ‘֍’ is an artifact, to call it an item is to not do it justice. An extension of Nailuj himself, it is a focus through which he alters the very reality of Aurleen. ‘֍’ appears as a long ornately carved wooden staff, around it coils a silver strand that shimmers and shifts. Said to be the silver thread of fate, it flows around the staff and culminates in an icosahedron shaped gemstone at the top of the staff.
by Orpherilia

Mental characteristics


Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Created Khralia
  • Brought seven adventuring groups together
  • Created over four-hundred collectible achievements and has over 5000 Fame Score
  • Has over a thousand hours of combat experience
  • Has seven years of Dungeon Master experience
  • Has typed close to a thousand pages of Campaign notes
  • Has hosted and DM'ed two "Mega Sessions"
  • Created many homebrew items and feats
  • Created at least thirty memorable NPCs

Mental Trauma

All those natural ones... so many natural ones.  
  • The necromancer who blew himself up with 3 Hit Points left.
  • Wisdom save against a possible 2 hour hydra encounter ended prematurely by Eshkira Eldanash who Polymorphed it.
  • Basicly any time Emundill casts Blight.
  • Rasthakan making his Constitution Saving throw.
  • Sir Godfrid Wolfpaw who attempted to stabilize Yalvarn Brightsmile with a Medicine Check.
  •   (Any suggestions? leave them down in the comments!)

    Morality & Philosophy

    "I am but a humble storyteller." - Nailuj
    Divine Classification
    Guardian of the Realm
    Chaotic Neutral
    Current Status
    Managing Khralia
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    • The Dungeon Master
    • DM
    • Game Master
    Current Residence
    Dark Blond
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale White
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "I will get back to you on that"
    "You can certainly try"
    *Describing the colour of the Ysalan district rooftops*
    "Just before you lose consiousness..."
    "I need you all to roll initiative!"
    Known Languages
    Nailuj, during a fight when his players called the previous one "too easy"   Korthian logo   Aurlenian logo


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