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The Sealgairean Trials

The Sealgairean trials are an ancient tradition that members of the McGannis family undergo once they reach the age of 16.


This trial began when the The McGannis Family was founded as a way to identify those who were physically and mentally strong enough to become Monster Hunters. This eventually birthed a tradition that every member of the family lived towards and hoped to complete in their life. The trial is taken alone by an Òganach and consist of hunting a monster of the Primarchs chosing.


On the day a member of the family reaches the age of 16 their trials begin. The trial begins an hour before sunrise as the parcipitant is prepared by his elder. This involves a small ritual with various herbs and spices.   At the end of this ritual the participant will receive his first specialized weapons.   At sunrise the Primarch announces the chosen monster after which Òganach will be blindfolded and dropped into the habitat of the monster.   During this hunt the Òganach will have to rely on everything he has learned thus far in his life as he will leave with only the bare minimum. This being the 2 things that a hunter trusts the most: His weapons and his guts. When the hunt is complete the Òganach needs to return on his own to the village with the head of the monster as proof.   Upon his succesfull return he is awaited by the whole village with much reverence.   A great feast is then given during which the Òganach will recieve the rank of Sealgairean and the tattoos that go with it.


Quillon McGannis : Hypnocatrice
Helgae McGannis : Lagombi
Magnus McGannis : Barroth
Hilda McGannis : Volvidon
Angus McGannis : Tobi Kadachi
Kurbag Darksoul : Great Baggi
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