The Sultans Capital Settlement in Kimaria | World Anvil
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The Sultans Capital

The main capital of Weltako and the seat of power for the Sultan


While the Sultanate has generally lax laws on peoples personal freedoms and rights it is also very strict in enforcing what laws they do have and those laws are enforced the harshest in the Capital


The capital is the second most well defended city in Weltako only after the Colosseum which lies between it and the Imperial border. boasting the sultanate royal guard and the top military platoon, The Minotaur's charge.


the Sultans capital is split into 4 sectors: The Crown district, containing the Sultans castle and most of the noble manors. The Market, were most business will be found. The Lower district, The less desirable part of the city. The Residential district, Were most of the modest civilians live


Large underground reserve of water under the castle. central loction allowing for safety for travlers and traders. Location of Jofreys magic shop, a world renown Tifling who trades magic items.


Originaly the fIrst major military structure in Weltaco but due to its central location and location of the sultans castle it has became the capital of waltako.


Building materials in Weltako mostly rely on stone and metal to build there homes and business although wood from the alliance has helped to greatly improve housing capacity within Weltako and the capital


The Capital sits in the center of Weltako as a center point for trade and travel in the kingdom built originally to help mitigate travelers from facing dehydration in traveling from place to place within the kingdom
Founding Date
11th of Weskel 1181
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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