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BSG | Event 0016 - The Crab Bubble Bursts

General Summary

Treasurer Denise:
Bad news, Your Majesty. A new reed has been discovered which is overflowing with millions of jewelled crabs. Crab prices are crashing catastrophically.
  King Calimaco Bladesong:
  Treasurer Denise:

The entire Kingdom will suffer financially, Your Majesty. With the exception of a few Patricians.


Curiously, Lady Patrician Ionia Thundercry - the very same Patrician who first began the crab-craze - recently sold all her crabs at a huge profit, just days before the crash.

  King Calimaco Bladesong:
Something must be done.

King Calimaco Bladesong summons The Council to discuss the crab price crisis. Many assembled Nobles have invested heavily in the crab market, and they are casting furious glances at the Patricians of the Coast benches.

  The Council
Result What should be done to help The Coast recover from the imploding crab market?
Treasury Too Low Bail out the failed businesses along The Coast.
Yea Let The Coast suffer the full consequences of this crisis.
Nay Arrest Lady Patrician Ionia Thundercry and confiscate her ill-gotten gold.

There are reports of queues of bankrupt merchants waiting to jump from the tallest towers on The Coast. Exaggeration, surely.

Report Date
05 Jun 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets