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BSG | Patricians of the Coast



  The most important element of Patrician fashion is the mask. For a Patrician, the mask is a status symbol so important that to be seen outside without one would be highly embarrassing - most Patricians would much rather forget their pantaloons. Each bloodline has their own highly specific kind of mask, so that other Patricians can recognize each other at a glance, and if a lowly merchant has managed to claw together enough wealth to join the Patricians’ exalted ranks, being permitted to commission themselves a mask from the Masquers’ Guild is the first and only sign that they’ve ‘made it.’
  The Masquers’ Guild charges intentionally exorbitant prices per mask. A single mask can take months to sculpt and will cost more than a ship or a house. The expense is considered another, very necessary, barrier to entry that ensures only the most wealthy can become Patricians.
  In addition to their masks, Patricians will wear vibrant, colourful silks and flashy gold jewellery. The more expensive and dazzling their outfit, the better.  


  The traditional foods of The Coast are light meals, usually incorporating seafood, that often include ingredients that would be considered exotic elsewhere in the Kingdom, like lemon, garlic, vanilla, aubergine, pomegranates and saffron. The national drink is wine, and lots of it, as well as lemonade. There is also a rich tradition of sweet desserts, especially marzipan.
  The staple crops of The Coast are lemons, grapes, almonds, aubergines, and dates.


The Patricians seldom directly involve themselves in military matters on land. In times of conflict they prefer to hire foreign mercenaries from across the ocean - usually from the Tatterlands - to do their fighting for them.
  However, the sea is a different matter. The Patricians maintain a strong and capable Royal Navy on behalf of the Monarch, which they primarily use to guard their trade routes from piracy. Many Patricians, if they find themselves unsuited to the merchant lifestyle, will choose instead to become an Admiral.
  The Patricians also in theory have the ability to raise levies from their villages, but they very rarely do so, and many of the villagers along The Coast consider themselves above such duties. In the event of levies being raised, most Coastal peasants will desert at the first opportunity.

Agriculture & Industry

  • Lemons whose juice has antiseptic properties.
  • Pickled lemon so sharp that makes the eyes water. (Some Nobles compare it to the taste of rotting flesh.)
  • Industries
  • Jewellers
  • Glassware
  • Wine-sellers
  • Gold Mines
  • Perfumeries
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Province
    Leader Title
    Official State Religion
    Parent Organization
    Related Ethnicities

    Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets
    Character flag image: by Vaspyr