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BSG | Event 0025 - Arms Shortage

General Summary

Grandee Virga Valys:

Your Majesty, the situation in The South is dire.


The City Watch in many of our cities is understaffed, and now crime is rampant. Even duelling has dwindled as minor Nobles take up other hobbies, like knitting and insect collecting. Pfah!


We must bolster our dwindling forces in The South. Who knows what will happen to our people without protection?

  The Council
Result What can be done to address the military downturn of The South?
Nay Hire a mercenary company to help protect The South.
Yea Conduct an extensive Southern recruitment campaign.
Nay Force farmers to join the Southern military.
Nay The South has no need of soldiers. Leave them be.

Surely the peasants just need encouragement? Posters featuring the Monarch's likeness pointing at the reader with text saying 'King Calimaco Bladesong needs YOU!' are soon plastered throughout The South.


Once again, King Calimaco Bladesong is thankful for the superstitious commonfolk. Perhaps only out of fear, peasants across The South line up for armed duty. The Grandees of the South are most pleased.

Report Date
05 Jun 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets