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Che Gune


The following is an excerpt from "An Analysis of the Subjugation and Exploitation of the Gesaimon by the Micterran until S. 80."   "Without the consent of the Che Gune, the Tsunada declared the Gesaimon to be part of their people... Several additional reforms were employed, including an expensive head tax. By the Sovereign Year 3, an estimated 7% to 15% of all Gesaimon land had come under Micterran control with the percentage increasing steadily. Gesaimon were forced to take back breaking work for very low pay, most of it being on land under the new ownership. The Micterran were encouraged to take many Gesaimon spouses, by force if necessary, in an attempt to breed out the Gesaimon gene. Those who did were rewarded by their government with better pay and housing.... Gesaimon primary sources allude to the Micterran also being encouraged to kill any children resulting from these unions that were born with Gesaimon characteristics. Micterran historians say this never occurred.     Growing opposition led to a group of launch an attack against the Tsunada at a council meeting in the Sovereign Year 9. The surprise attack resulted in the deaths of half the Tsunada along with all the Gesaimon involved once reinforcements arrived. This led to twenty-five other known attempts at a coup over the next ten years. The Tsunada imprisoned all of the Che Gune and formed a new Gesaimon council of their own choosing. The attempts at a coup ceased, but the original Che Gune were not released.   Gesaimon took to protesting outside of the prisons and the Tsunada residences. This led to the Micterran military being unleashed, despite the Gesaimon being unarmed and peaceful. During the several months of protests, the Micterran military used excessive force and acted with intent to kill. Micterran historians claim this never occurred. In the Sovereign Year 22, the Micterran begin kidnapping and assassinating Gesaimon... Gesaimon were all made to carry identification determining their family line and age. Groups of three or more Gesaimon were not allowed to gather in public unless they were a family group. By the Sovereign Year 30, raids began to be conducted on Gesaimon homes at random."
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