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Session 3 : Oh Mintleaf!

General Summary

This is an excerpt from one of the Taleniu Hastagrun - Dictated by Historian Hamulleng.   It is time? Ah, yes. Let us resume shall we? We center in on the very next morning. A crisp Snow had fallen, I remember it being extremely sunny and bright and cold. Quite Brisk I would say. Modellian, don't interrupt. There is a certain flair that needs to be added to dictations. Anyways, The party awakens and heads down to the main tavern room. This place is a fine spot that Turner picks to meet his associate Mintleaf. A spry young elf who Turner cant decide is more help or hindrance. But alas he has not the heart to fire her, nor would he if he did, she's pulled him out of quite a few tough spots. Yes you're right Modellian, Mintleaf could have her own entry. I shall make a point of getting to that.   Onwards! So Turner Meets with Mintleaf and tasks her with collecting a handsome amount of gold from the establishment owner while he sits down with the rest of his companions to figure out what the plan for the day is. Starting off strong I remember he had a dwarven alcoholic beverage for his breakfast. A stout dwarf that one. Discussions are had and the group sets off back to the royal armourer's to talk to Engvall. They planned to arrive and get some gear then make a daring attempt at stealing 2 griffons and make off from the town with a wagon in tow. Well yes Modellian I am aware that it is a silly plan but I simply dictate the events, I am not the one credited with coming up with that. It didn't end up happening anyways. you'll see.   So the party arrives and pick up their armour and this is pretty strange to me Modellian, something blocked our vision for a small chunk of time about 30 minutes. Yes they went to get their armour and talked to Engvall but there was someone else there that they talked to and there seems to be some sort of shield spell or something that prevents us from seeing it. I do know that each of these individuals talked with this entity but who was it?   Make a side note in the Tal Hastagrun - This blocked person has never happened before or since in any of our other chronicling and We will need to address this with the Grand magus to see if he can offer some insight.   Anyways so the companions grabbed some gear and what appeared to be a change of clothes thankfully and stepped outside the shop just in time to meet Mintleaf returning with the wagon and an odd part she was sent for. Yes it was something to do with Turners new gauntlet. So they are about to hitch the wagon and head out when they hear some sort of sound coming from the back. It appears in her Mischievous shenanigan's Mintleaf had already stolen a griffon fledgling! Yes I know Modellian she is quite resourceful. I will dictate a separate entry for her and to how she stole this beast it is quite a funny story.   So now witha stolen griffon in their care the group settles it down a bit after freeing it and for some reason it sticks with them, surprisingly they make it through the gate no problem. I should mention that While Voss was out that morning she did see some patrols looking for this wayward group of souls. That made this escape from the city a little more daring and risque. I don't care that I should have said that first young man, I will tell the story's in the order I wish and when you reach a rank where you can start to dictate you will also have free reign, now stop interrupting!   They made their way south not north which would have been an odd choice but Mr. Coragem belong to the chaos hunters guild and rightfully so wanted to check in with his superiors. See that Modellian? Not question them just check in with them. It took them some time and they stopped to make camp for the night. Now this is pretty funny pay attention Modellian.
  Connor was laying down his bedroll by the fire and the Fledgling took quite an interest in him. Now Clara had meandered out to the tree line and were shifted into her bear form. This startled the young nameless griffon and it tried to protect Connor but landing down beside him and squawking very loudly. Obviously this terrified him and he ran towards the wagon just trying to escape the griffon. When he got there it seemed like Jasper had fallen into one of those wolf dreams we had talked about and was in a trance-like state on top of the wagon. Turner in his wisdom had thought maybe he could distract the griffon with wood scratching. Yes wood scratching Modellian. I don't know why he thought that was a good idea. I believe there was mention of an office cat. Yes I know they are very different creatures! Honestly my good man how did you come by this position??? Anyways Connor saw this and nearly had a nervous breakdown. He quickly locked himself inside the wagon in the hopes of some undisturbed sleep.   That would not be the case however.   Clara-Bear came back with a buck she had hunted and turned back into her human form, a little worse for wear from the bucks blood and was setting up to stock their provisions when she saw Jasper heading back from the tree line towards the wagon, a dire wolf in tow! yes I know quite exciting. So Jasper is yelling about some trouble and the companions start to set up for a fight as 2 angry and disgusting looking bugbears start running out of the woods beside them. Clara opens the door covered in the bucks blood and states to Connor plainly that they have trouble. Upon seeing this the young lad pulls out his magicians pistol and perches atop of the wagon with a wild look in his eyes not sure if he needs to start shooting his own comrades.   This is where I will end the session Modellian. A lot of information for this entry. Oh quite right thank you. I am not saying all bugbears are disgusting but these ones had been strangely affected by something and I think we will dive more into that next time.   Modellian do set up an appointment with the grand magus though please that stranger blocked from our view worries me.   -Hamulleng    
Kingdoms of Strezan Campaign
Connor Coragem
Jasper Valenwood
Turner Waterby
8 / 8 HP
Clara Voss
Report Date
25 Feb 2023

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