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Jasper Valenwood

Son of Elias Valenwood Jasper Valenwood (a.k.a. The First Son)

Jasper disagrees with his father's ideals of rest and complacency after reaching the top. Jasper is now working to design a weapon that will be the most powerful in the world, not for the money (although Jasper is very fond of high society lifestyle), but to be seen as the Valenwood Idol instead of living in his father’s shadow. Jasper’s twin sister Josephine has always been the favored child, but with Jasper’s idea of weapons trading there is now a sibling rivalry over who will be the one to inherit the family enterprise.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim Fit

Identifying Characteristics

Scar across right eyebrow

Apparel & Accessories

Expensive black suits Valenwood Family crest pin

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Female (Elves preferably)


The University of Teanmarths


Vice Chairman of Valenwood Industries

Accomplishments & Achievements

The son of Elias Valenwood of Valenwood Industries, the world's premier arms manufacturer

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly educated in Court, Weapons, Women, and interdealings with High Elf families

Morality & Philosophy

When there's coin to be made and no one gets physically hurt, what's the problem

Personality Characteristics


Disagrees with his father's goals of Valenwood Industries

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: A sweet red wine, Coin, and the comforts of Luxury Dislikes: His Sister, Joesphine

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Wealthy lifestyle

Personality Quirks

Despises when refered to as "The son of Elias Valenwood"


Not even dirt under the nails


Contacts & Relations

Renauld: A Human employed by Valenwood Industries and has been seen closely with Jasper

Family Ties

Father: Elias Valenwood of Valenwood Industries Twin-Sister: Joesphine Valenwood, CO-Vice Chairman of Valenwood Industries

Social Aptitude

Excellent in High Society, those not in his social clique or have excess wealth are not worth his time

Wealth & Financial state

Family is very wealthy with new money

Jasper Valenwood, Elf Highborn, Son to Elias Valenwood of Valenwood Industries. Through weapons manufacturing and trading for the war effort the Valenwood name became one of respect and power in high society.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"First Son of Elias Valenwood"
430 years
Date of Birth
174 AGL
Current Residence
Valenwood Estate, Mijorn
Jet Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly Tan
6' 7 1/2"
Known Languages

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A Choice Dream (3)

I understand now.   The dream had been reoccurring, like rehearsal for a play, over and over with the slightest differences. Never the clearing nor the Wolf, but the darkness and how I would fail to escape or fight it. Every time I had faced the darkness the Wolf would be attacked and then my opposition would follow suit, but I couldn't fight as much experience theses dreams had given me about fighting a shadow. Tonight was different, the wolf had been injured far more than the start of other dreams as if it had been reaping the failures of my defeats. I felt pity for him, and anger at myself for once that I had allowed this burden to be carried by this innocent soul. When the darkness approach my pride and body be in charge rather than the logic of self-preservation, and I stood with the Wolf. For the first time my soul knew I was making the right choice. Standing side-by-side the darkness didn't attack, I could feel the entity circling us as if a predator had come face to face with another. Similar to a stare down when making a self-focused business deal, we stood our ground in silence. After what seemed like an hour, the darkness receded. The Wolf and I stood there, watching the shadow dissipate, even though not a word had been spoken I knew both of our souls were tied in someway that escapes my comprehension. A calm set in, a feeling I had not felt in all these times in this clearing and then I awoke.   I feel this Wolf is a part of me, not a part of who I am but the other piece to which I fit to create something more, something powerful.

A Familiar Dream (2)

It's been weeks since my last dream similar to his, however I find myself writing this down because it may provide useful in the event I seek therapeutic assistance with these dreams. I am in the clearing once again, the dark woods surround me on the warm grass with the eerie stone "V" in the center. But unlike the last, I felt no fear nor hesitation when the familiar Wolf approached me. Although in it's pale blue eyes I felt like it remembered who I had abandoned it, which the stare echoed shame through me. The darkness quickly interrupted our reunion, trapping us like we were the prey of a hunt. The Wolf waivered as if this was the foe who had been tormenting this innocent soul, as had I had a moment of fear which this shade. The darkness of night was one I was quite familiar with, both due to my exploits with Reanuld and the lavish nights in the City, however this was new. A darkness that tugged at your soul, trying to pull it in every way, ripping it with greed all so it can get a piece. The Wolf growled to defend itself but what chance did I have against a force so sinister and evil. Darkness attacked first with its shadows traveling on the ground like a serpent. I froze, sloppy in all honesty, but I allowed the darkness to grab a hold of my leg. Without the means to evade I was pierced by a tendril of the shadow through my chest. I woke again, but this time a searing cold ran from my chest.

A Strange Dream (1)

I had a dream last night after a very good night of cards and wine, but this one was far stranger than the average thoughts of the fair waitresses or daughters of my business' partners. I was in the middle of tall dark wood trees, the grass was short as if something heavy had been resting there for years, and there were gray stone that had the shape of a "V" in the center. It felt cold, as if I was physically standing there in that clearing in one of my travelling clothes. I saw the eyes of the beast before anything else in the darkness, as it approached it eyes shifted from glowing to now the same pale blue eyes that I see in the mirror. The wolf was a ash gray with streaks of white on its underside, fangs like ivory, battered as if it had been fighting for its life, and those wise blue eyes that looked into my very person. I knew that I should run as any smart man would from a hound half the size, but I couldn't. Not from this soul who approached me as if we had been warm long friends. A darkness clouded the clearing that forced the wolf and I to turn away from each other, praying that we can trust one another against this wave of darkness. Once the darkness encircled us, I saw an opening in the wall of black just the size for me to escape. After one solemn look at this new companion I made a run for it, leaving the wolf to fend for himself. Even though the wolf had done nothing for me or I for him it felt like with every step away from that creature I was pulling to tear my very soul. I woke up in a sweat, pain ached through my heart, feeling as if I betrayed myself. No matter, another glass of wine after I write this phenomenon and I'll be back to my silk.


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