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Session 4 : Uncle Morris

General Summary

The following is an excerpt from the Taleniu Hastagrun as dictated by Historian Hamulleng.   Yes Modellian I am starting it now, Grab your tea man and hurry. Alright thank you Modellian, earl grey? Perfect. Ah Yes Bugbears! We tune back in to our adventurers squaring up for a fight! 2 Bugbears run at them you see, from the tree line. Well Jasper has some unnatural bravery you would think for being a Valenwood but there is a side to that young rapscallion that only a few know. He runs forward to meet the enemy head on with that dire wolf at his side! Clara also heads out into the fray, not unaccustomed to battle she is ready. The Bugbears attack and Jasper gets as good as he gives unfortunately. He delivers a blow and takes one in return, the direwolf leaping in to defend him.   At this point Connor also shoots at the bugbear scaring the griffon and it leaps into the fray. A third bugbear charges out of the woods and now theres trouble. The first bugbear goes down in a diabolical fashion with the direwolf grabbing its ankle and the griffon dubbed Griff at this point grabs the head and slowly pulls it apart. The bugbear explodes into black goo and the boils and get some of the ichor on Jasper and Clara. Jasper retches from this and falls back. Well yes I know Modellian, Bugbears are not normally aggressive nor do they normally have boils and blisters all over them filled with black ichor. It does seem to be a mystery, its draws their attention same as you we will get to that.   Another bugbear rushes Clara as she jumps up into the tree landing on its back and rolling off, the bugbear launches the dire wolf into the tree and that seems to bring Jasper back into the fight. Connor shoots another shot at the bugbear putting a glowing hole into it , the 3rd one closes in and Turner tries a desperate move, climbing up and launching off of Clara and shoving a poison mine into the bugbears waistband. The blast knocks Clara backwards and pushes Turner away from his companions. At this point Griff lands on the second bugbears head and starts to shred it until it doesn't move. Yes quite a loyal beast that is becoming indeed Modellian. It seems the companions have noticed its growing also. It seems to be maturing very fast.   Back to the battle, Turner is still going mono et mono with the last bugbear and manages to dodge some good hits , he even manages to swing his crowbar but to no avail the bugbear winds up hits him not once but twice. If I didn't know any better I would say this is the closest Turner has ever been to death and he came very close. Clara saw this happen and something inside her snapped. She jumped up and slashed the last bugbear with her frosted axe killing it beheading it and unleashing black ichor all over herself.   So ends our combat here and our companions are victorious, somewhat. They rush over to resuscitate our dwarven banker and pull him back from the brink of death. This combat draws more questions however, why did they get attacked and what was happening to those bugbears? They are close enough to a chaos hunter encampment so what was that all about? No Modellian, just thinking out loud.   It is a long night for Clara after that. Many of her companions ended up hurt and needed a rest so she stood guard all night managing to round up 2 of their horses. Waking everyone up at first light she climbs into the carriage in the hopes of some much needed sleep. And so the companions continue their travels and arrive at the chaos hunters encampment. Connor strikes out to find his superior officer and ends up finding Hector the leader of his specific wing of the guild. Hector debreifs Connor quickly and hurries to meet his companions. He agrees to supply them after gauging them all and seeing if they are even worth his time. They agree to stay for a feast before heading out the next day to start on their main task. Finding out if the vesper syndicate is behind the Queens assassination.   So while they wait for the Feast Connor and Clara set out amongst the camp to look for Connors Uncle. Morris Coragem. They do find him in a tent with a Lady Carla and he is instantly smitten with Clara Voss. They try to talk to him about the strangeness of the bugbears and he dances around the subject masterfully while all the while being a charismatic gentleman. No Modellian I am simply reporting what I saw there are no Favorites you silly man.   And so we end our entry with the feast. What a feast it is turning out to be, Jasper knee deep in a drinking contest with another hunter and Clara doing her best to dodge Uncle Morris. A good time to break.   Modellian any luck with that last episode? Good tell the grand magus to meet me in the library we have much to discuss before this next entry. Something is amiss.   -Hamulleng    
Kingdoms of Strezan Campaign
Connor Coragem
Jasper Valenwood
Turner Waterby
8 / 8 HP
Clara Voss
Report Date
21 Mar 2023

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