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Session 7: Strezan Reborn Report

General Summary

The following is an excerpt from the Taleniu Hastagrun as dictated by Historian Hamulleng.   The university has recovered and although we have lost many great texts we have diverted some of our historians to defense now. Tis a shame to see such magic used for barbaric purposes but we must protect the histories by any means neccesary. I agree Modellian, we need to recruit more historians and change the policies for admission to the university. Perhaps we should convene on that another time, for now we must notate where we can. Ah yes so, as we have come to rejoin the party known as the Kings Gift!   They packed up their convoy of campanions and headed to the tree of Nosgoth where they were to meet King Belmont and deliver Darbos Silverhand. A few notes on their travel I wont bore you with Bathroom schedules etc, Modellian.  
  • Clara's arm is now entirely emerald. The afflication started at her pinky and moved up to her arm seeming to fuse into her shoulder!
  • Jasper and Mintleaf took on training Josephine when she was able to walk again and she has come a long way in 2 weeks of travel. I agree Modellian, must be a family trait to be that good with a Rapier
  • Griff the gryphon has grown larger and Turner has taken to learning to ride such a beast! A very noble trait, yes Modellian I do believe its a bloodline thing but we can get into that later.
  • Jasper has been letting his mind connect with his wolf more and more and it seems the communication and bond is gettting stronger. No Modellian I dont think he has named him yet, an interesting qustion though.
  • Connors pentagonal stone in his chest has become the same blue as his eyes, poor lad being chaos touched and all that, he handles it remarkabley times.
So the companions arrive at the tree of Nosgoth! Yes, yes, yes Modellian dont you worry I have captured exactly what they say below but let me explain to our readers. As they arrived they noticed it was still dark which obviously made no sense but thats because the tree in the distance was on fire. Quite a feat to set that magical tree ablaze! A feat and a travesty. Yes Modellian, the readers need not know that we held a moment of silence for the tree.
Now at this point they decided to get closer and hope the King was still alive or there quest had been for naught. As it turns out the King is alive as Turner found out. He whisked up into the air on Griff and they arrived at the camp of the king. The camp however was surrounded by dead bodies. Chaos hunters, syndicate and also the faceless. Yes we will make the entry for those too Modellian, those hideous creatures! Truly, no one knows how the faceless curse spreads but I digress. After being checked to see if he was infected Turner returned to his friends and they all arrived at the camp together. They found out that not a lot of choas hunters survived. About 30 hunters survived with Brolin Savoll seriously wounded and Hector Magnoleus as acting leader of the chaos hunters. They told king Belmont that they had brought the information he requested but it was the gnome Darbos Sivlerhand that held it within his head. There was a sad affiar with everyone sayign goodbyes to the small gnome as it seemed he was about to die. Hmmmm you may be right Modellian, perhaps our readers would benefit from how aloof Clara is when it comes to dying, we will leave that judgement up to them. Everyone watched as the King rounded the table and Darbos transformed from the little gnome into a gleaming sword called the soulreaver! This did prompt Connor to rush out of the tent, poor soul cares for all creatures. King Belmont sat with them and explained a great many things. Yes Modellian let us list them again for everyone;    
  • Darbos silverhand was an advanced automaton that was to be kept a secret until the time of the giants resurrection
  • He knows that these faceless are directly tied to the tree of nosgoth burning, although he is unsure how the curse spreads
  • The tree of Nosgoth was actually a key stone that was crafted by several magi an age or two ago, this was to keep many nasty creatures at bay that almost brought the world to an end
  • The king has a book that has a few things written in celestial about these beasties
  • The Monsters that have been hunting to the north are part of this barrier that has been breached since the tree had been set a flame
  • The sword that used to be Darbos is said to have been a weapon that could kill giants (yes I know Modellian, we are all hoping he is out of his gourd and the giants are not on the return but one cant be too careful)
  • there was a prophecy held in the royal archives that explained when the 9th queens blood had been shed the giants would start to awaken
After having this conversation, a few conversations of loyalty were held with the party. Turner, having pledged gold to the king in order to raise an army to take back Midjorn, has been placed as head of the syndicate on the immediate removal of Silas. Jasper the lad after pledgeing his families weapon business to the king, He has been promoted to General Jasper Valenwood. Yes I agree Modellian, quite a promotion! Connor has his own bargain struck with the king and has agreed to meet with him at a later time once they had rested a little bit. As for Clara, well it is unclear how her loyalties lie or if there is something she can provide for the king, after all, she does serve Mr.Turner so we shall see Modellian, lets not get a ahead of ourselves.   Now you would think that all of that would be enough for one entry but no! There was a bit of a rucaus and the Golden Nest appeared! Yes I am very excited Modellian! Varos is my brother and I had thought him dead so it is great news. General Valenwood and Mr.Turner greeted the proprieter of the inn, a magi named Varos! He explained that the golden nest was a magical inn that had not been used in centuries to the surprise of the party and that it had a great many locations. They struck a deal with the inkeeper and General Valenwood acquired a eternally refilling flask of a long forgottten vintage of elven wine. Well that remains to be seen what he will do with it Modellian, you dont need to fill the readers heads with nonsense of bringing lost vintages back. Well dont write that down you sod. Have you been writing down all my interjections? You know once it is written in the Taleniu Hastagrun we cannot erase it. I swear sometimes I questions your motives my good man.   -Hammuleng
Kingdoms of Strezan Campaign
Connor Coragem
Jasper Valenwood
Turner Waterby
8 / 8 HP
Clara Voss
Report Date
10 Mar 2024

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