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Hitan, the Moaning Peak

The Headquarters of House Frost, Hitan sits atop the furthest northern reaches of Isamaru and serves to guard it's most ancient enemy...


Headquarters of House Frost, which oversees the northernmost area of Isamaru.


Hitan is well defended, as one of the main responsibilities of House Frost is maintaining the seal on Lich Lord Katashi and defeating anyone who attempts to free him.

Industry & Trade

Artisan woodworking, particularly charms, wards and other magical seals. Often worked into pieces of furtniture and lawn or house decor.

Points of interest

The Moaning Peaks make a hauntingly beautiful sound as the wind rushes through them that inspires poets and artists. The landscape is also breathtakingly beautiful in the stark contrast between snow, stone and trees.
  They have two big temples to O-Reina and Shinka the Candlefather, Reina because they value arcane knowledge deeply and Shinka as a bulwark against the unrelenting cold.
Location under
Owning Organization


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