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Consulate of Isamaru (Ee-sah-mah-roo)

A forest, once blessed with vitality now cursed by undeath, Isamaru was the main nation invaded during the Sundering war. Known for it's druids, necromancers and woodsmen.


Isamaru has a varied environment compared to other nations. There are two chains of mountains, the steep and icy Goryo Mountains in the north and the verdant Dosan Mountains to the south. The Homura Highlands start with boreal forests at the foot of the Goryo range, but rapidly lose vegetation and decrease in temperature as the elevation increases. The central forests of Isamaru are hilly and temperate, covered in forests. The Kumori Foothills around the Dosan range gets a lot of rainfall and are constantly foggy, even giving way to swamps on the southeastern border with Doronuma. There are a few rivers and lakes here and it rains quite frequently here. The forests are mostly free of natural hazards, but there are plenty of unnatural ones.


Homura Highlands
The forests of the taiga are largely coniferous, dominated by larch, spruce, fir and pine. On the borderlands there are closed canopy mixed forests, partially coniferous partially deciduous. They are densely populated with trees, the forest floor has many flowers and shrubs. The borderlands to the north are grasslands, cold desert and tundra as the elevation rises. Berries are quite prominent, such as strawberries, cranberries and lingonberries. Animals are specialized for the cold, mostly herbivores like moose, elk, deer, rams and bison with some large predators such as bears, wolves and tigers. There are also smaller rodents such as squirrels, beavers, rabbits, chipmunk and porcupine. There are also quite a few birds that live here during the summer then migrate south in the winter. The monsters here have often move in from the Wastes, bands of Gnoll, Goblins, Orcs and Demons as well as undead driven away from society who don't mind the cold.
  Chūsū Forest
Temperate deciduous forests, with broad leafed trees such as Maple, Oak and Bamboo. There are many animals such as cranes, Red panda, Sable, Silka Deer, Leopards, Siberian Tigers, Lynxes, Otters, Gorals, Musk Deer, Red Deer, Asiatic Black Bears, Giant Pandas and Wolves. There are also many monsters throughout the area that feast on the animals and mortals, many undead.
  Kumori Foothills
Mainly broadleaf evergreen in lower elevations and deciduous in higher elevations, with many beech, cedar, cypress, fir, hemlock, oak and tsuga trees. There are many animals such as black woodpeckers, black bears, dormouses, giant salamanders, serows, macaques, golden eagles, sika deer, grass lizards, and rat snakes. There are several vampire strongholds here, using the constant mists and mountainous terrain to ambush travelers and maintain castles hidden deep in the mountains.

Ecosystem Cycles

Fall: Trees in deciduous regions begin to lose their leaves, stockpiling for winter completes. The weather grows colder and more snow occurs until winter.
Winter: It is bitterly cold and snows quite often. Many animals hibernate. Decidous trees lose their leaves. Goryo becomes untravelable.
Spring: It thaws out, temperatures increase and many animals mate. There is a huge burst of life.
Summer: Temperatures rise, stockpiling for winter begins. The grasslands of Goryo blooms and many animals are born.

Localized Phenomena

The Curse of Wandering causes any mortals who die within Isamaru to return to life as an undead within 24 hours, without their spirit. It can have unpredictable effects sometimes, such as raising animals, raising mortals with their memories intact, raising mortals with one body but the memories of another, or raising ravenous and angry monsters.
  They’ve been soured on industry, what with the rampant ecological disasters and all.
  A lot of roads, trails and routes throughout the lands, some on the forest floor but a few hidden throughout the treetop or underground.


Often cloudy with plenty of rain with stable mild seasons.

Natural Resources

Wood: Bamboo, Beech, Cedar, Cypress, Fir, Hemlock, Larch, Maple, Oak, Pine, Spruce, and Tsuga.
  Food: Isamaru's climate is great for farming. They grow grains like wheat, barley, rice and oats, as well as various fruit such as apples, grapes, pears, mandarin oranges, stone fruits banannas, papayas, mangos, and berries. Stone fruits include peaches, plums, cherries, nectarines, apricots and lychee. Berries include strawberries, blueberries, blackberrries, Cranberries, Lingonberry, and Raspberries. They also grow mushrooms and vegetables such as cucumbers, yams, radishes, spinach, carrots, eggplants, gourds and leafy greens. There are also many livestock, cows, chickens, goats, pigs and sheep harvested for milk and meat.
    Fur and Wool: There are a lot of very furry animals throughout Isamaru, and there are quite a few trappers and hunters willing to make fine winter gear out of them for all Kizudo.


Time of Myth
Nestled in some of the first forests that grew from the Cradle of Life, Isamaru's people were shaped both by O-Moriko, the God of the Forest and O-Shi the Merciful. O-Shi shaped the Birdfolk, Catfolk, and Shifters, while O-Moriko took a direct hand with the Elves, Beastfolk, and Fairies. Many of the First Beasts dwelled in the forests alongside mortals. All was peaceful. As O-Tsuba rose, so too did the Orcs, Goblins and Demons of various kinds. After O-Tsuba was sealed away his creations were left in disarray, but many chose to turn from their creator and choose their own path. Many devoted themselves to O-Shi, settling in Isamaru, while others scattered across the winds. Others stayed dedicated to O-Tsuba and dedicated themselves to learning how to resurrect him, weaponizing their contempt of Death into creating the first undead. To counter these hordes of undying monsters O-Shi and O-Moriko worked together to weave a great and powerful spell called the Writ of Rebirth, that would allow any mortals who were killed in Isamaru and buried in the soil to rise the next dawn. With this, the people of isamaru drove away the demons and settled into a time of tenuous peace.
    Time of Kings
As the Gods retreated from the world they left the Writ of Rebirth behind, allowed Isamaru's people to live a prosperous life free of the fear of death. But soon undead returned, those hungry for the living such as vampires, ghouls and liches. They used the Writ of Rebirth against them, feeding on them then burying them in a brutal cycle. The people of Isamaru learned to harness the negative energy that sustained their enemies, turning it against them and reducing them to a shadow of the past. The leaders of the rebellion against the undead founded a council to lead their people so that all could stand together and rely on each other. For a time they were humble, secretive folk, cultivating the bounty of the forest and it’s fearsome reputation. They lived long lives without fear of sickness or bloodshed. The other nations discovered their secret and sought to steal the power from the World Cradle. O-Moriko came to defend it, and sent the attackers away. Captain Meishin of the Crocodile Fleet went to O-Nanami and asked for a way to defeat the God of the Forest. They gave him a blade soaked in darkness from the deepest trench in the sea, Norika the Fathomless Blade. They descended on the World Cradle and fought O-Moriko, wounding them with the vile blade. The wound weakened it until they were able to bring them down. The world fell silent, all the animals, plants, and the wind stopped. They realized their dire mistake and fled in shame and guilt. This ignited the Sundering War, as the various nations scrambled to take the remaining pieces of the Cradle. The ensuing struggle would marr the world forever, a war lasting one hundred and twenty three years. Isamaru's Forests along the rivers were clearcut and strip mined for resources by the invaders, the camps swapping hands constantly between different forces. After resources were extracted sufficiently fortifications were constructed, fortresses and siegeworks, and conflict began. The Writ of Rebirth had been changed with O-Moriko's abscence, instead of returning people to good health and spirit, they would rise as a souless husk devoid of spirit. It was dubbed the Curse of Wandering, as the risen dead would often wander aimlessly in search of purpose or aspects of their old life. Isamaru fought back against their invaders initially with nature magic but when that proved ineffective they unleashed the terrible power of the undead. The war dragged on, only coming to a close when a loose coalition of people from across Kizudo unleashed the Sundering Squall, opening the Maw of Oyobi and decimating the three armies.
    Time of Shards
In the aftermath of the war Isamaru has been trying to recover, regrowing their lost forests and trying to foster trade and harmony with other nations. They are beset by undead created during the war, as many of the militaries necromancers didn't want to give up the great armies they had raised and became warlords. Others have created The Anointed from undead risen by the Curse of Wandering to serve their community after death. Anointed in linens, preserved with oils and bound with runic charms that help them recall their purpose and rest when work is done. Most Anointed are docile, hardworking and kind, echoes of who they were in life. Anointed can be used as guardians, but it is discouraged to have them engage in violence as it may cause them to become enraged.
    Native Sapient Species
  1. Birdfolk
  2. Catfolk
  3. Shifters
  4. Elves
  5. Beastfolk
  6. Orcs
  7. Goblins
  8. Tieflings
  9. Humans
  10. Dhampir


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