
"The bountymen are an interesting display of exactly what the Tenmasters Guilds stands for. They are selfish, greedy, annoying, and exploitative. They are also absolutely necessary for the continued health of The Maecodian Confederation."   ~Margrave Arronax Skinner, Edler of Cambreath



Bawlers are chosen by the Bounty Hunter's Lodge. While no official qualifications exist, they generally look for candidates with negotiating skill and the gift of gab.

Career Progression

Bawlers are often considered some of the lowest members of the Bounty Hunter's Lodge.

Payment & Reimbursement

Bawlers get paid in three ways, usually all at once. First, local members of the Lodge will bribe the bawler for first offer on contracts before they get to the Bawler's Board. Secondly, the Bounty Hunter's Lodge pays a decent salary, roughly the same as the average town guard. Third, they shamelessly skim off the top of any bounty they receive or pay out, negotiating to place themselves at maximum profit.



This is the most public-facing career within the Bounty Hunter's Lodge. They receive, negotiate, and pass on contracts.   In a world as dangerous as Kobos, the people need a profession such as the bawler to arrange to fix problems.

Social Status

Bawlers (as their name suggests) are stereotypically annoying. They entice young men to acts of danger from their podiums, often at high volume. While the Bounty Hunter's Lodge carries a certain assumption of prowess and competence, it is generally recognized that bawlers are shouters rather than doers.   That being said, it is also acknowledged that they fulfill a vital role, in particular for those that live on the fringes. Farmers, hunters, trappers, and caravaneers will often buy their bawler a drink or meal out of gratitude for keeping their jobs monster and bandit free.


There is generally no more than one bawler per tavern in a town or city.The exception is Krezzym, home of the Bounty Hunter's Lodge, which boasts more than a hundred bawlers at any given time. These communicate with bawlers in various towns across Seaudyr, watching out for contracts big enough to warrant a wider net of potential hunters.



The Bawler's Board is essential to the bawler's work. Additionally, they will have a writing desk on one side and a stump or stool on the other to stand on and shout about promising contracts.


The Bawler's Board typically exists in an awning or gazebo outside of a willing tavern or church.
Alternative Names
Caller, Shouter, Wailer, Bountyman, Boardman
Every town large enough to contain a church or tavern has at least one bawler.
Famous in the Field

Articles under Bawler


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