Congren Charter

"Risitch shavival hyeb yagahl er czawash bal hahii tcheg-mun er tcheczus. Get bal heer y'gep, er yder tahy. Gnashaw er kuhng y'gayd laha rishavival."   Inscription on a Congren Charter Tablet   "This talisman brings with it the power and wealth of nations long dead and of those not yet born. A millennium of human success stretches out behind it, and many more of the same stretch out in front. Prosperity and joy befall whomsoever claims rightful ownership of this tablet."   Inscription, translated from the Old Tongue

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A family or stronghold that has one of these tablets on display is blessed with a powerful enchantment. This enchantment generates wealth and tweaks fate in the favor of the owner.   The enchantment has the following effects when installed in a stronghold:   All wealth rolls by the owner have advantage.   Once per season, the owner can generate 1000 GP into their treasury.   Once per season, the owner can designate a rival. All social or wealth rolls against that rival have advantage, and their wealth die roll results are halved until the season's end.   For a mage, the tablet also contains an 8th level spell that can be translated into a spellbook. That spell is a touch spell that can turn an enemy into a golden statue.


A family that possesses control of a Charter may send a representative of the family to sit in the Congress of Merchants. It is a symbol of top-rung status for an Eldermearan family.   Allegedly, there is also a powerful magic infused in the objects that bring them wealth and luck beyond measure, a sort of consolation prize for having a target painted on their backs in the Bloody Circus.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Subtype / Model
Only 9 exist. They are legendary artifacts.
15 lbs
2 x 4 feet
Base Price


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