Dead Honey

"No."   ~Jarl Gelmin HrontarElector of the Northrealm, whenever asked if he would like a dab of dead honey.


Material Characteristics

A red honey-syrup.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Dead honey is usually warmer than its surroundings, tacky to the touch and stringy when drawn.

Origin & Source

Dead honey is made by Funeral Bees.

Life & Expiration

If dead honey sits in its cache for one to two hundred years, it solidifies into an amber known as Heartstone.

History & Usage


Dead honey is attested to in the writings of the Grimhii, who may have created Funeral Bees through Biomancy. They have been found both wild and semi-domesticated constantly through the intervening history.

Everyday use

Dead honey is used as a trade good, a condiment for fish and meats, and a meal replacement for athletes, gladiators and warriors during intensive training.

Manufacturing & Products

Through processes of fermentation, dead honey can be refined into Blood Mead.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Beneath the hive, a greasy tallow forms into small piles. They can be refined to create fertilizers and alchemical ingredients (most especially components of explosives and incendiaries). If left alone, these piles usually rot away but can also be a fire hazard.


Dead honey is a deeply addictive and dangerous intoxicant to Elvenkind.


Trade & Market

Dead honey is a common condiment in the Northrealm, uncommon ingredient in other Cantons, illegal in Doroinir Nimloth, and an extremely popular luxury item in the Badlands and the Beastlands.


Dead honey can last on its own for one to two hundred years with little difficulty or risk. It is naturally disease and fungus resistant, and even at the end of its shelf life simply hardens into Heartstone

Law & Regulation

In Doroinir Nimloth, the possession, sale, and distribution of dead honey is illegal and punishable by fines, imprisonment, and possibly even sacrifice at the hands of the Airimossë.
5 SP/jar
Common in Northrealm
Earthy, with a hint of sweat
Dead honey has a salty, tart flavor.
Transluscent, maroon-red
Common State
Dead honey is a sticky, slowly flowing fluid, thicker than most honey and tacky when dry.
Related Species


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