Dragon Cult

"Some dragons aren't content with being mere tyrants and kings. They believe that they deserve to be gods. They'll isolate a group of mortals, command them to worship and sacrifice. These mortals become fanatics and savages, and there will be no reasoning with them."   ~Vizzerdrum, caretaker of the Iridium Shrine


Dragon Cults typically have a similar, utilitarian organization to each other. The dragon is, of course, the top of the cult. Their offspring are beneath them, including any half-dragon offspring they may produce. Beneath these 'divine children' will be the most favored mortal, a cult leader who may or may not be a true believer. Beneath the leader are the fanatics, which are tasked by the leader to perform services the dragon may need.


Dragons rarely share any significant portion of their hoard with the cult beyond perhaps an initial investment. For most dragons, the cult is a means to acquiring more wealth, not an asset to spend that wealth on.
Religious, Cult
Notable Members


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