
King Xendrag

Holy Books & Codes

Xendreg has taught a history of sorts to his followers that they pass on faithfully as an oral tradition. Most of it is made up of boastful tales of the dragons he killed wrapped thinly with the trappings of life lessons and admonitions.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Stacked or bundled skulls, especially in threes. His tribe has been using them to mark conquered territory in the Endless Polder

Tenets of Faith

The basic tenets of the faith are: 1) Serve only Xendreg. 2) Survive, eat, mate, and provide for the young. 3) Patience often brings the best result.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xendreg is an adult in peak condition.

Apparel & Accessories

Xendreg uses a pair of rings in concert, one Ring of Magic Vulnerability to suppress his natural magic immunity, and a Ring of Polymorph that allows him to walk as an elf. Additionally, he wears a Control Amulet connected to a shield guardian that stands next to his throne.   When walking as an elf, he wears very fine traveler's clothing of high quality. Higher quality, in fact, than one would expect in the swamp where he dwells.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xendreg was born as most of his kind were: Fang dragon eggs exposed to Bosetors. He served loyally as an assassin in the eternal genocidal wars of the dragons. He wiped out hundreds of metallic dragons of note.   When the first shadow dragons were born in the Year 250 and the purge began, Xendreg could taste the impending doom and fled in the guise of an elf. He wandered Doroinir Nimloth for a time, but his dietary needs eventually forced him onto the fringes.   It was Nithroel Iarmaris in the Year 780 that had the idea to exile in the Endless Polder with the lizardfolk there. Together, they escaped the elf lands and stole down to Cambreath in the human lands. There, they found the lizardfolk of the Endless Polder. Revealing his true form, Xendreg was immediately worshiped as a demigod by the scalykind there.   Xendreg sent out ambassadors to find refugees from the rest of scalykind both inside the human lands and on Shelor, and has met with limited success.


Xendreg is married to Nithroel Iarmaris as his queen, and has a rotating harem of female lizardfolk that he is using to prepare an army of half-dragons.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Xendreg's crowning achievement was the slaying of the silver dragon Ghilliliar, and he still carries the bones and hide with him when he travels. Currently, the bones make up his throne and the scales are being used by his elite guard as armor.

Mental Trauma

Xendreg feels betrayed by his goddess, and has become bitter and hateful of his fellow dragons in general.

Intellectual Characteristics

Xendreg is highly intelligent, savage, and wicked. He's a problem solver, and one of his indulgences is sending out lizardfolk to steal or barter puzzles from he human lands.

Morality & Philosophy

Xendreg is a Consequentialist, and will bide his time until he knows the consequences of his actions unless there is no other choice.

Personality Characteristics


Xendreg wants to get revenge on Tiamat, but knows that total victory against the goddess of evil dragons would be entirely futile. He settles for petty victories in the short term - poaching the outcasts from Shelor and building his own little empire of scales.   In the long term, he intends to use that little empire as a scalpel, cutting away at the scalykind that would see him dead until they are weakened and bleeding.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Xendreg is a problem solver and a master strategist. He also has a temper and has the capacity to hold a specific grudge for centuries.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Xendreg always smells of blood and roses. The smell is strong, and within arm's reach it becomes cloying.



Xendreg tends to growl when he speaks, or when he's listening to others. This isn't just a quirk - He's giving himself time to think and attempting to build even the slightest tension of fear to throw off kilter those he's conversing with.

Hobbies & Pets

Xendreg breeds rust monsters, and his are larger and more aggressive than the normal ones. He has dozens, and each has a name and is pampered and meticulously trained.


Xendreg growls even in elf form.



Husband and King (Important)

Towards Nithroel Iarmaris



Nithroel Iarmaris

Wife and Queen (Vital)

Towards Xendreg



Wealth & Financial state

Wealth Score : 2d6+10     Hoard: 52000 gp, 22000 pp, Art (8 2500 gp): - Jeweled Anklet, Jeweled Anklet, Gold circlet set with four aquamarines, Gold music box, Embroidered silk and velvet mantel set with moonstones, A necklace string of small pink pearls, Embroidered glove set with jewel chips, Embroidered silk and velvet mantel set with moonstones., Potion of Stone Giant Strength, Potion of Superior Healing, Potion of Superior Healing, Chime of Opening, Potion of Invulnerability, Spell Scroll - Hallucinatory Terrain, Potion of Superior Healing, Ammunition +2
Divine Classification
Cult Prophet
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lizard King, God-King of the Endless Poder
Year of Birth
989 AoS 1984 Years old
Nithroel Iarmaris (Wife and Queen)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, black, and red scales
11 ft. at the shoulder
18,000 lbs.
Known Languages
Draconic, Common, The Old Tongue, Elvish, Dwarvish, Goblin, and Infernal
Ruled Locations


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